Fun With Family History Games and Apps
Along with a myriad of activity ideas and resources, The Family History Guide Kids Corner includes links to family history apps and games to give children an alternative to some that are less productive and educational. They are so much fun and a great way to help kids get interested in family history. A few of our grandchildren were playing a game called Geneopardy and discovering all kinds of interesting facts about their ancestors who are on our FamilySearch family tree. Their great-grandfather, Orson Clark, was one name that came up often. The boys were enjoying learning about his life and family as they sought the correct answers to the questions that were presented. Later on, the boys were playing a game called Crokinole (a dexterity board game similar to Carrom) and having a blast with their cousins. I was delighted to tell them that my grandfather had taught me to play that game when I was a little girl. My grandson, Seth,
asked if my grandfather was Orson. Yes, that was the one! Suddenly this game-loving, hard-working, musically talented ancestor became a little more real to a few of his descendants! That’s one important thing I love to see happening through family history activities – connections to those who have gone on before. I have no doubt that our ancestors are grateful to be remembered. I think that Grandpa Orson and Grandmother May Catherine are happy to know that
these young boys are learning about their lives. I also think that they are pleased that Crokinole has made its debut in yet another generation!
See 5 Apps and Games That Make Family History a Family Affair for descriptions of some recently developed games and apps (and awards they have been given). Download family history mobile game and apps for fun “on the go,” or open them on your home computer. Free children’s games can also be accessed in The FamilySearch Solutions Gallery. What a fantastic way to give children enlightening, meaningful game time, along with the added blessing of knowing their ancestors better. Marcus Garvey stated, “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” Apps and games are a way to tap into technology and use it to give our children stronger roots – and a lot of fun memories.