Monthly Archive: August, 2018

Mark Your Calendars for RootsTech 2019!

The Family History Guide Association is excited to announce our participation in the upcoming RootsTech Family History and Genealogy Conference which will be happening February 27–March 2, 2019 at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah!  We will be presenting, and hosting a booth in the Exhibit Hall. We are looking forward to being part of this monumental event,...

Family History Classes and The Family History Guide Booth At BYU Education Week

The long-awaited week is finally here!  If you have ever attended BYU Campus Education Week you are familiar with the exceptional event that it is–providing the opportunity for thousands to attend classes all week to be edified, inspired, and instructed. We are pleased to announce that The Family History Guide Association will host a booth in the Wilkinson Student Center...

How To Create and Reap The Benefits of Family History Blogs

As a creator of seventeen family history blogs (with plans for more), I am obviously and unabashedly a proponent of this simple way to record, track, organize, access and share family history!  Blogging is now easier than ever. With the varied platforms available and an abundance of online help, why not take advantage of this fantastic family history tool to...