Monthly Archive: April, 2020

The New Africa Country Pages

You’ve probably seen the South Africa country page in The Family History Guide. Now it is being joined by four new country pages: Democratic Republic of the Congo Ghana Ivory Coast (Cote d’Ivoire) Nigeria You can access these pages from the Countries menu by clicking All Countries and selecting them from the list; or, you can select Asia/Pacific/Africa and then...

Update: Ancestry Academy Videos

Ancestry Academy has published training videos on a wide variety of genealogy topics. many of which are linked from The Family History Guide. You may not be aware that recently Ancestry Academy has made some changes in their video catalog. Here’s a summary: The URL formats for most of the articles have changed. The new URLs are included in The...

How to Analyze Genealogical Sources: Part Three

Editor’s Note: This article by James Tanner appeared recently in the Genealogy’s Star blog site and is used with the author’s permission. It has been a while since I started out with a pancake illustration. This is the best example of what is involved with the levels of jurisdiction in geographical naming conventions. There is a legal definition of the...

New Goal for Goldie May in The Family History Guide

Several weeks ago we announced the new partnership between the Goldie May research assistant and The Family History Guide Association (read the article here). In the past few days we have added a new Project 4 Goal for Goldie May, with Choices and step-by-step instructions for using it. Here’s a summary of the Choices in the Goal: Choice A: Installation—Get...

Checking Out the 100+ Top Blogs

Recently I’ve been going through a list of the “Top 100 Blog Sites” in the world, on, as well as some not on the list. The idea is to find links to additional articles that would be beneficial for The Family History Guide. It has been well worth the effort, as hundreds of new links have been added from...

How to Analyze Genealogical Sources: Part Two

Editor’s note: This article by James Tanner originally appeared in the Genealogy’s Star site and is used with the author’s permission. The most effective way to learn how to analyze any subject is through the “case method.” This is used almost exclusively in law schools to teach people how to be lawyers although the use of the case method does...

Introducing Our New Education Director, Miles Meyer

We are excited to announce that Miles Meyer is joining us as our new Education Director. We have some important new initiatives we are starting for training, and Miles will be directly involved with them. Here are several of the items: Establishing a strategy for remote training Organizing a new Volunteer Presenters program Expansion of the Certified Trainers program A...

What’s New in The Family History Guide

Here are a few of the updates we’ve made in the last week or so in The Family History Guide: Links to Choices Previously you could link to Goals in The Family History Guide but not to Choices. We have now added the capability of linking directly to any Choice. To do that, you find the Goal URL you want...

Guidestar Platinum 2020 and Microsoft Rewards Charity

We recently achieved two milestones that we are proud to share: Guidestar Platinum 2020 Our non-profit organization, The Family History Guide Association, has earned the 2020 Platinum Seal of Transparency, showcasing the progress and results we’re making toward our mission. At the bottom of each web page in The Family History Guide, you’ll see our new Guidestar link in the...

Home Schooling and The Family History Guide

The last month has been quite a challenging one for us all, with families and individuals adjusting to the “quarantine” life. Having enjoyable and useful activities to do has certainly come to the forefront in the minds of many. This week we are excited to announce a new feature in The Family History Guide—our Home School page. It’s an enjoyable...