Monthly Archive: February, 2021

RootsTech Recap for The Family History Guide

Saturday evening on Feb. 27 marked the close of RootsTech Connect 2021. Although the event has come to an end, it will continue to live on, virtually. The numerous video sessions that were recorded will be available for free, for a full year. More about that later in this article … First, some numbers: Stats for Nerds A few days...

Partnership Videos: FamilySearch and The Family History Guide

RootsTech this year was a video extravaganza, with hundreds of videos to choose from on a wide variety of family history topics. There were keynote addresses, class sessions, panel discussions, an Expo Hall, and more. The Family History Guide Association was privileged to work with FamilySearch in producing two special videos that were featured in the Beginner’s learning track at...

What’s New in The Family History Guide – 3/1/2021

February was a very busy month for The Family History Guide., capped off by a highly successful RootsTech experience. Here is a summary list of updates to The Family History Guide website as of Mar. 1, 2021: 2/27 – Added return links from Vault categories to Main pages in the website. 2/26 – Added links to FAQs for ordinances in...

Preview: RootsTech Connect and The Family History Guide

RootsTech Connect 2021 is almost here … just a few more days, and the excitement is already building! The virtual doors open to the world at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 24. Why at 5 p.m.? Because that will actually be 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 25 in New Zealand, for example. Speaking of time zones and the worldwide audience,...

New Videos on our YouTube Channel

It has been a busy  couple of weeks for our YouTube Channel, and that’s a good thing! We have recently added six new Quick Research Basics videos by Miles Meyer, our Education Director, and two new Show Me videos by James Tanner, our Chairman of the Board of The Family History Guide Association: QRB: Intro to European Archives QRB: Intro...

Small Tip for Big Results

Nature reminds us that small things lead to great things. A tiny seed becomes a rose; a little acorn becomes a great oak. It’s the same in family history. There’s something small you can do that has the potential to make a big difference. It’s simply this: when you’ve been doing family history and have to stop to focus on...

New: The Beginner’s Path

We are excited to announce a new approach in The Family History Guide: the Beginner’s Path. You can think of it as a “smaller window” into the website, compared to the Full version. The Beginner’s Path emphasizes the things that are most helpful to those beginning family history, or even those who are new to the website. Here’s an inside...

New Questions and Answers: The FAQ Page

In advance of RootsTech 2021, we’ve decided to expand our FAQs. In fact, we created a whole new Questions and Answers page for them, arranged by categories that you can open and close. You can get to the new page by selecting “FAQ” in the Intro menu of The Family History Guide. Here’s a look at part of the new...

Marketplace Update

The Family History Guide Association is a 501 (c)3 charitable non profit organization that is responsible for funding The Family History Guide website. As a charitable organization, the association derives all of its funding through donations and its online store The Family History Guide Marketplace. The Association has no paid staff and is run entirely by volunteers from around the country. All of...

New Show Me Video Updates

Last week we introduced our revised version of the Show Me video for FamilySearch Project 1: Goal 1—Navigation. Since then we have completed six additional revisions for FamilySearch Show Me videos: Project 1, Goal 2: View Details Project 1, Goal 3: Children and Spouses Project 1, Goal 4: Find and Recents Features Project 1, Goal 5: Alternate Views Project 1,...