Monthly Archive: November, 2022

New: The Family History Guide Q&A Center

We’re happy to announce an exciting new feature in The Family History Guide—the Q&A Center. This tool can be used both for individual self-study and for training family history consultants or trainers. In The Family History Guide, you can access the Q&A Center in the Intro menu or in the Trainers menu. About the Q&A Center It’s fitting that The...

WikiTree Presentation on The Family History Guide

On Friday, November 4 at 7 p.m. Eastern, I presented “Introduction to The Family History Guide” for the WikiTree Symposium. There were viewers from the United States and Europe, and the presentation received quite a few positive comments, including from the WikiTree host David Randall. People are still amazed to discover for the first time the great features and information...

New Handle for Our YouTube Channel

YouTube has recently introduced “handles” for YouTube channels. Simply stated, these are easier ways to access channels, rather than using the long and hard-to-remember URL characters. For example, the regular URL for The Family History Guide YouTube Channel is Not so easy, is it? Now for the new handle: you can also access our YouTube Channel with this: ...