Monthly Archive: August, 2023

Getting Excited About Family History!

“Our Turtle House” is a popular and inspirational YouTube channel with over 35,000 subscribers. On August 20, Mark Williams hosted a livestream session with family history experts Shenley Puterbaugh and Scott and Angelle Anderson (the latter two who are members of The Family History Guide team). In the session, the guest speakers share tips and suggestions for how to make...

FamilySearch Training in English & Spanish, with The Family History Guide

At RootsTech 2023 we met Maribel Camarillo Gomez, who has been actively training visitors on family history at the San Diego FamilySearch Center. She helped out at our booth in the Expo Hall, helping RootsTech attendees learn more about The Family History Guide. Maribel recently put together a great training course for FamilySearch and family history basics, featuring The Family...

PhotoDater™ from MyHeritage: Another Amazing Technological Advance

Note: This article was published previously on the Genealogy’s Star blog site. You can read about all the details of this amazing addition to the arsenal of photographic innovations in this blog post: “Introducing PhotoDater™, an Exclusive, Free New Feature to Estimate When Old Photos Were Taken.” Here is a quote from the blog post: If you are like most genealogists,...