70+ Family History Tasks, with FamilySearch & The Family History Guide

When we think about what an individual’s part of FamilySearch Family Tree may look like, there’s a wide range of possibilities. Some people are just starting to build their tree information, while others have extensive pedigrees that go back many generations on many lines. And of course, there are lots of variations in between for countless other users.

So if you are wondering what to do next on FamilySearch, or you’d like some suggestions for someone you’re helping with FamilySearch, “70+ Family History Tasks You Can Do with FamilySearch & The Family History Guide” is for you. This handy PDF document has tasks recommended for beginners or more experienced users, to help people spend meaningful and productive time in FamilySarch. It also as well as links to places in The Family History Guide where you can get help with learning how to do the recommended tasks.

Here’s a brief glimpse at the beginning of the list:


Other secions include Memories, Indexing, Research, Getting Help, and Helping Others. There is also a section at the end for tasks that Latter-day Saints will find useful.

We hope you enjoy the new 70+ Family History Tasks You Can Do with FamilySearch & The Family History Guide PDF. There is also a link to it in The Family History Guide, on the Goals page for FamilySearch Project 1.

Bob Taylor