Presenting TFHG on Paper

It’s no secret that The Family History Guide website is too large to capture on paper. But it can be summarized and presented on paper, in as little as a two-page handout. Yet why would someone want to do that, if it’s easy to get on the website and view it online?

The answer is that there may be situations where using paper, strangely enough, may be an effective way to present The Family History Guide (TFHG), such as in the following cases:

  • You are presenting TFHG in a location where the internet connection is spotty or unreliable.
  • You don’t have access to a screen that’s large enough for people to see the website text, if they are sitting near the back of the room.
  • You don’t have time for a full presentation, but you want to give others something to read until they can get on to The Family History Guide website themselves.

Enter the new TFHG on Paper presentations, one for general interest and one focused on Latter-day Saints. Each presentation is a two-page PDF file that lists 25 items of interest in The Family History Guide and where to find them on the site. Attendees can follow along with the printed PDF and explore the site features on their laptops, tablets, or phones if internet access is available. After the presentation, they can take the double-sided sheet with them as a reminder of what was covered.

For the full, downloadable PDFs, visit Presenting TFHG on Paper on The Family History Guide website, in the Trainers menu. Enjoy!



Bob Taylor