FAQs for Class Outlines
The Class Outlines in The Family History Guide are a powerful way to develop family history training, quickly and effectively. The were introduced about 18 months ago and have grown to over 230 in the collection so far.
Recently we added an FAQs link in the Class Outlines page that answers questions that trainers might have about developing and using Class Outlines in training. Here are the FAQs that are covered (more may be added later):
- Where do I find the Class Outlines?
- Why is there just one slide per class?
- Where are the notes?
- Do I need to request sharing for files?
- Can I edit a Class Outline?
- How do I present a class?
- How long does a typical class last?
- Why are no FamilySearch/Ancestry classes listed?
- Are Class Outlines just for instructors?
- Are more outlines being developed?
Stay tuned as we add more Class Outlines to the site. Currently we are working on Class Outlines for a variety of England research topics.