Are You Ready to Make 2018 a Fantastic Family History Year?
Whether you’re new to family history or a seasoned researcher, the beginning of the year is a great time to evaluate where you are right now in your family history journey, and where you would like to be at the end of the year.
What would you like to learn to do? What would you like to improve? Are there experiences you would like to plan? How will you share your knowledge with others? Where do you begin? 

These questions offer a structure for family history goal-setting, and The Family History Guide is your “go-to” place for the answers! As with any new resolution, “divide and conquer” is a popular mantra, and The Family History Guide is set-up to help you do just that. Whatever you would like to do, this resource can help you decide when and how to do it. If you don’t know what you would like to do, The Family History Guide can help you with that, too.
One idea is to use the Quick Start Menu (see below) with six categories from which to choose activities you might want to consider as you set goals for the year.
You might want to write down the twelve months of the year and pencil in ideas for each month. Plan with your individual and family circumstances in mind, and be flexible as you go along. Remember to schedule fun family history activities for learning, for inspiration, and to help you and others enjoy your family history journey!
The Management Team of The Family History Guide wishes you a happy family history year!
Quick Start to The Family History Guide
Note: Most of these links are also available in the menus at the top of the home screen.
The Family History Guide
Excellent – it’s always good to get specific about what you want to accomplish, and this post shares some nice ideas for doing that.