Author: Bob Taylor

The Solutions Gallery Welcomes The Family History Guide

If you’ve been around FamilySearch for a while, you’ll remember the FamilySearch App Gallery, a collection of mostly handy but occasionally outdated apps and tools for family history. Now FamilySearch has replaced the App Gallery with the powerful new Solutions Gallery, with helpful categories and of some the latest technology for family historian. You can find the main link to...

Inside the Guide: The Other Side of Computer Basics

One of the handy features of The Family History Guide is the Computer Basics section. It’s primarily designed for those who are new to computers, or those who want to improve their basic computing skills for family history. Yes, there are even steps to show you how to turn a computer on or off (although beginners would likely need a...

Keeping in Synch with FamilySearch

If you’re a FamilySearch user, you’ve probably noticed that some important changes have been made to the Person page feature. FamilySearch rolled these changes out on Sept. 5, and we have updated Project 1 in The Family History Guide to reflect the changes. Here’s a look at the new Person page for a Family Tree person. The main difference you’ll...

Introducing the Kids Corner

For over two years, the Children’s page on The Family History Guide site has provided fun family history activities for youngsters. Now it’s time to take the next step … introducing the Kids Corner, where kids can explore family history activities and discover what it’s all about.. The Kids Corner takes the place of the Children’s page in the Activities...

12 Ways to Get Started with Family History

One of the most common questions people ask about family history is, “Where do I start?” There is so much information about family history the web that it can be a real challenge to sift through it and know where to begin. The Introduction section of The Family History Guide provides some good suggestions, but there are also quite a...

New: Video Info Links

A while back we introduced Info Links for articles. The idea was simple: you hover over an “info” link to see a list of topics contained in an article, before you actually click to open the article. Here’s a sample; you can try it out in the United States page, Goal A2, Choice B: For more information on Info Links,...

Update: Name Changes for “LDS”

Several days ago, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that members, the media, and websites should follow these guidelines in regards to naming: Use the full name of the Church (see above) on first mention, with “the Church of Jesus Christ” being an acceptable shortened form. Avoid the term “LDS” when referring to the Church or its...

Update: Activities for Individuals

A while back, we did a revamp of the Family Activities page in the Family History Guide. It was well-received, so we recently completed another revamp: the Individuals Activities page. We added more activities and provided more complete descriptions for each one of them. These activities are great for individuals, but many of them can also be adapted for families...

Vault Links, and the Course Catalog

During the past few months, over 400 links to articles and videos have been added to the Vault. To make that content more accessible, we’ve added some additional navigation links across the site. Here’s a brief list of the navigation links; each of these is explained below in more detail. Vault menu items Vault header links Course Catalog links Project...

Inside the Guide: Warming Up to Research

For many of us who are new to genealogy, the thought of diving into research can be a bit intimidating. And what some people experience by “diving in” is that the research waters are too deep, too cold, or too far across. What we might need is an experience that feels more like a heated lap pool, rather than the...