Author: Bonnie Mattson

Rootstech 2019 ~ Lots of Learners, Teachers & Consultants Sought Help

As various stats were collected after RootsTech 2019, it became apparent that The Family History Guide had some very successful experiences there.  We had three wonderful presentations. Two were given by Bob Taylor, CEO of the Family History Guide, entitled “The “Family History Guide: Accelerating Your Learning and Research”.  The two classes attracted 1350 attendees.  It is estimated that a significant number of them...

The Value of Church Records in Family History

One of the most rewarding things about doing family history research is the things you can actually discover from all kinds of records.  The facts recorded in birth, marriage, and death records on one family can really paint a picture of what life was like for those who have gone before.  Some call it “putting the flesh on the bones” when we can acquire information that goes beyond names,...