Category: Country Research

Inside the Guide: Business and Occupational Records

We are coming up fast on the Labor Day holiday in the U.S. One of the joys of family history is getting to know your ancestors on a more personal level, and an important part of that is understanding what occupations they had. Some may have even changed jobs or occupations several times in their lives, due to life circumstances...

New QRB Video: Getting Started with New Zealand Research

We have just published a new Quick Research Basics (QRB) video on our YouTube Channel. Narrated by James Tanner, it helps you understand the background, history, and peoples of New Zealand, and it provides tips for getting started with effective genealogy research for ancestors there. You can watch the video in our QRB Playlist or in Goal 1 of the...

Understanding Jurisdictions for Genealogists

James Tanner has created a new video for the BYU Family History Library: Understanding Jurisdictions for Genealogists. In the video, James defines and explains jurisdictions and what types of genealogical records can be found in different jurisdictions. You can watch the video below or on YouTube. Enjoy!  

History Resources for England Counties

Each state page in the United States has a Choice for history resources, in Goal 1 for each state. Learning about the history of a place can help you put together the pieces of your research more easily and effectively. We have just added similar history Choices for all the county pages in England. For example, the Choice for the...

New BYU FHL Video: Research with The Family History Guide

On Thursday, July 7 we recorded a new webinar video for the BYU Family History Library, titled Research with The Family History Guide. It covers the following important areas of research: Research Intro—How to use the collector page for research in The Family History Guide Sources—Introducing genealogy sources and their importance Research Basics—Getting organized, basic research concepts, and strategies to...

New Goldie May Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research: Multiple Episodes

Note: This article was previously published on the Genealogy’s Star blog site. Episode 15 – I was out of town and got behind in posting additional Unrehearsed Genealogy Research: Multiple Episodes from Goldie May. Here are the links to the ones I missed. Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 These three episodes feature Richard Miller working with Nicole Elder...

Are There Orphans in Your Family Tree?

As you research back in your family tree, sooner or later your may find orphan ancestors. From the RootsWeb site: “Orphanages, which date from the seventeenth century in England, were originally workhouses, poorhouses, and asylums. Modern orphanages hardly resemble those depicted by Charles Dickens, but their purpose is the same: to shelter orphaned and abandoned children. Such institutions have existed...

New QRB Video: Beginning Research in Australia

We recently published a new QRB (Quick Research Basics) video on YouTube: Beginning Research in Australia, narrated by Dr. James Tanner. The video covers early immigration, record sources, and techniques and strategies for Australian genealogy research. The video link can be found in Goal 1 of the Australia country page, and it is included below for your convenience. You can...

Upcoming BYU Webinar: Research with The Family History Guide

The BYU Family History Library keeps rolling out great family history instruction videos, and we are honored to be part of their upcoming schedule. On Thursday, July 7 at 5 p.m. Mountain Time I will be presenting a webinar titled “Research with The Family History Guide.” It will go into depth on the research menus, tools, and resources available in...

Getting the Help You Need

Family history is one of the most rewarding activities we can do, partly because it is so multi-faceted. Where else could you get immersed in family relations, history, geography, culture, migration, and much more, all pieced together into one mosaic? But all of that beautiful complexity may come with a sizeable learning curve for many of us. Fortunately, The Family...