Category: Country Research

New QRB Videos: Maps and Surnames

We have recently posted three new Quick Research Basics videos on our YouTube Channel. These are by Miles Meyer, Education Director for The Family History Guide Association. They have subtitle captions in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino, and they cover the following topics:   Using Historical Maps—Learn how historical maps can help you locate your...

Finding Your Ancestors in Poor House or Poor Farm Records

Note: This article was published by James Tanner on the Genealogy’s Star blog site and is used with the author’s permission.   Frederick County Poor Farm in Virginia, United States, By AgnosticPreachersKid – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, houses and poor farms, which go by many different names, have a long history in English speaking countries. Quoting from the article,...

Underused Genealogically Important Websites: ArchiveGrid

Note: This article by James Tanner was published previously on the Genealogy’s Star blog site and is used with the author’s permission. Quoting from the OCLC Research webpage, ArchiveGrid is a collection of over four million archival material descriptions, including MARC records from WorldCat and finding aids harvested from the web. It is supported by OCLC Research as the...

Genealogists! Free Yourselves from the Paper Prison

Note: This article by James Tanner was previously published on the Genealogy’s Start blog site and is used with the author’s permission.   Regardless of how tech-savvy genealogists may be,  collectively, we seem to acquire huge piles of paper. We can scan the documents, letters, certificates, photos, and other important paper-based items but we feel duty-bound to keep everything. Granted,...