Category: Memories

Where Did You Get Your Good Looks? Try out “Compare-A-Face” for Fun!

Have you ever wondered where you got your good looks? Now you can know through a newly released FamilySearch discovery adventure called “Compare-a-Face.” It uses your picture, the portraits of your ancestors on, and facial recognition software to tell you how much you look like your ancestors. Try it out by clicking this link (or put it in your browser):...

Making Family History Come Alive – Give the Free Kinmapper App a Try

Google “where did my ancestors live” and there will be about 3,920,000 results (in 0.51 seconds no less!) with suggestions from where to find records to how to interpret plot maps. Can we say that this amount of information can be a tad overwhelming? The Family History Guide lists a link on the Youth Activities Page to a lesson plan produced by the National...

Crafting Christmas Memories with the Past and Present in Mind

The ideas seem endless for adding a bit of nostalgia to your Christmas decorations and get-togethers – and The Family History guide has a fun suggestion to share.  Check out the “Objects and Heirlooms” category in the Memories Activities of the children’s page (Family History Activities Tab).  Idea C3-11 links you to American Ancestors detailing how to create ancestral tree ornaments – along with this...