Category: What is new at The FHG

Seven Years for The Family History Guide

Just a few weeks ago, The Family History Guide website turned seven years old, having launched at the end of July, 2015. It has been quite an adventure, and it continues to be so! We have had visitors to the website from over 150 countries, and many people around the world use the site to learn family history and to...

History Resources for England Counties

Each state page in the United States has a Choice for history resources, in Goal 1 for each state. Learning about the history of a place can help you put together the pieces of your research more easily and effectively. We have just added similar history Choices for all the county pages in England. For example, the Choice for the...

Update: Even More Video Info Buttons

The work continues for adding video Info buttons in The Family History Guide. There are now over 330 videos on the site that have Info buttons. You can click an Info button and it will display a list of helpful topic links inside the video, so you can jump directly to that location without having to scroll through. This also...

New QRB Video: Beginning Research in Australia

We recently published a new QRB (Quick Research Basics) video on YouTube: Beginning Research in Australia, narrated by Dr. James Tanner. The video covers early immigration, record sources, and techniques and strategies for Australian genealogy research. The video link can be found in Goal 1 of the Australia country page, and it is included below for your convenience. You can...

Introducing the Quick Prep Page

One of the singular features of The Family History Guide is that you can teach just about any family history topic right from the website, without needed to prepare slide decks or handouts. In the Trainers menu there is a Worksheets page where you can download a worksheet that helps you outline each class you want to teach. Introducing “Quick...

Update on Video Info Buttons

We introduced video info buttons in The Family History Guide a while back, and they have proven to be a popular feature with site users.  Recently we have been expanding the number of info buttons, as there are quite a few new videos on the site from RootsTech and many other sources. There are now about 250 info buttons available...

Upcoming Presentations for The Family History Guide Association

This summer is shaping up to be a busy one for The Family History Guide Association,  with a number of remote Zoom sessions scheduled. We are also getting back to live presentations in a few areas, so that is a welcome development as well. Below is list of events that are coming up for us this summer. If you would...

Upcoming BYU Webinar: Research with The Family History Guide

The BYU Family History Library keeps rolling out great family history instruction videos, and we are honored to be part of their upcoming schedule. On Thursday, July 7 at 5 p.m. Mountain Time I will be presenting a webinar titled “Research with The Family History Guide.” It will go into depth on the research menus, tools, and resources available in...

New QRB Video: Beginning Research in Australia

We have added a new QRB (Quick Research Basics) video to our YouTube Channel. This new addition, narrated by James Taner, is titled Beginning Research in Australia. It provides a helpful introduction to doing genealogy research in Australia, including the following topics: Australia background and history Convicts and settlements Australian archives Church records You can watch the video in Goal...