Category: What is new at The FHG

Introducing the Volunteer Instructor Program (VIP)

We are pleased to announce a new training initiative for The Family History Guide Association—The Volunteer Instructor Program, or VIP. You’ll find the VIP Home page in the Trainers menu, and it has helpful information about what Volunteer Instructors do, the differences between Volunteer Instructors and Certified Trainers, etc. As a Volunteer Instructor, you’ll get access to special training materials...

New QRB Videos: Maps and Surnames

We have recently posted three new Quick Research Basics videos on our YouTube Channel. These are by Miles Meyer, Education Director for The Family History Guide Association. They have subtitle captions in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino, and they cover the following topics:   Using Historical Maps—Learn how historical maps can help you locate your...