Category: What is new at The FHG

The Family History Guide at the NGS 2021 Conference

We’re excited to announce that The Family History Guide Association will be a Diamond-level Sponsor at the upcoming National Genealogical Society Conference on May 17-21. The conference is virtual this year, with workshops, showcases, presentation, and more. There will also be streaming of the events and sessions, beginning June 15. From the NGS website: “The main event, NGS 2021 Live!, is Wednesday...

New on Our YouTube Channel: Language Playlists

As you probably know, most of the videos in our YouTube Channel have formatted subtitles available in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino. You can also get unformatted subtitles (without punctuation, editing improvements, etc.) for any of the 100 or so languages supported by Google Translate. Recently we have taken language support a step further, by...