Category: What is new at The FHG

2018 in Review: Top 20 Additions to The Family History Guide

It’s almost time to turn a new page on the yearly calendar, and it has been a great one for The Family History Guide website. Let’s take a look at what we feel are the top 20 additions and updates made to The Family History Guide in 2018, from 20 to 1 … 20. Exercises for Partner pages—Exercises are added...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The Family History Guide

What a year it has been, and we have so much to be grateful for. Millions around the world are joining hands to connect all of us through family history, whether by extending family trees, discovering and sharing memories, joining in family history activities, or simply breaking the ice and getting started on the journey of family discovery. The Family...

Announcing the Study Center

We’re excited to announce a new learning tool in The Family History Guide—the Study Center. It’s a handy way to organize your learning in 2019, a bit at a time. The Study Center combines a step-by-step approach with high-level Goals to point you in the right directions for learning. The opening screen for the Study Center is shown below. There...

New: Subheadings in Choices

You probably know The Family History Guide routine pretty well by now: Projects are divided into Goals, which are divided into Choices, which contain steps (and article and video links). That covers the bases pretty well, except for one item: sometimes there may be more than one topic in a Choice. This tends to be the case with some of...

The Family History Guide Presentations at RootsTech

RootsTech, the biggest genealogy and family history conference in the world, has announced its schedule for 2019. The Family History Guide Association is pleased to announce that it will be presenting two identical sessions at different times at the conference. Here are the details: “The Family History Guide: Accelerating Your Learning and Research” – RT1119 Thursday, Feb. 28 – 3...

GuideStar Platinum for The Family History Guide

We just received the Platinum rating on GuideStar, which is the highest rating that GuideStar gives.  As you probably know, The Family History Guide Association is a non-profit charitable organization. Shortly after we achieved that status, over a year ago, we became aware of the GuideStar organization. They act as an online directory for non-profit organizations, providing information about the...

Meet the New Activities Index

The Activities section of The Family History Guide is one of its most popular, and it has grown significantly in the past few months. Across the four main sections, we now offer nearly 300 fun and engaging family history activities for everyone. Here’s the breakdown by number of activities: Family—66 Individuals—80 Youth—65 Kids Corner—65 And more to come! With that...

Introducing Goal Quizzes

In the Trainers menu of The Family History Guide, you’ll find a page for Quizzes. These are interactive tests you can take to check on your knowledge of family history topics. To date, this page has included the following kinds of quizzes: Overview — covers the basics of the entire site for The Family History Guide (20 questions) FamilySearch — quizzes...

New Fan Chart Options in FamilySearch

Recently FamilySearch added some new options to its fan chart view. These options have been part of the Consultant Planner for some time, but now they are being made available to all Family Tree users. We’ve updated The Family History Guide with instructions on using these new options, in Project 1: Family Tree, Goal 5: Alternate Views, Choice B. Here’s a...

Introducing the Certified Trainers Program

We are excited to announce a new development for The Family History Guide Association—the addition of the Certified Trainers program. You can find information about it in the Certified Trainers pages on the website. Below are some FAQs about Certified Trainers and the new program. Q1: What is a Certified Trainer? A1: A Certified Trainer is basically a “local” trainer...