Category: Training

The Family History Guide Presentations at RootsTech

RootsTech, the biggest genealogy and family history conference in the world, has announced its schedule for 2019. The Family History Guide Association is pleased to announce that it will be presenting two identical sessions at different times at the conference. Here are the details: “The Family History Guide: Accelerating Your Learning and Research” – RT1119 Thursday, Feb. 28 – 3...

Introducing the Certified Trainers Program

We are excited to announce a new development for The Family History Guide Association—the addition of the Certified Trainers program. You can find information about it in the Certified Trainers pages on the website. Below are some FAQs about Certified Trainers and the new program. Q1: What is a Certified Trainer? A1: A Certified Trainer is basically a “local” trainer...