Category: Training

Winter Online Class Schedule: Sandy Granite Family History Center

The new year—2021—will soon be here, along with a new class schedule from the Sandy Granite family history center. Each Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Mountain Time, a free online class will be presented via Zoom. To attend any of the classes, simply access the following link about 15 minutes before the class: Classes will be recorded and posted...

Update: Sample Outlines for Training

We’ve recently added the following Sample Outlines for training with The Family History Guide: FS2.5-Uploading-Tagging-Photos FS2.7-Documents-Stories-Audio FS3.1-Descendancy-Research   These are Word files that you can download and customize as needed. More Sample Outlines will be added in the coming weeks. You can find the current list in Sample Outlines, in the Trainers menu. Updated Headings We have also updated the...

Introducing Our New Education Director, Miles Meyer

We are excited to announce that Miles Meyer is joining us as our new Education Director. We have some important new initiatives we are starting for training, and Miles will be directly involved with them. Here are several of the items: Establishing a strategy for remote training Organizing a new Volunteer Presenters program Expansion of the Certified Trainers program A...

A New Partnership: The Family History Guide and Goldie May

Last week we featured an article written by James Tanner about the new Goldie May research assistant. It’s a powerful and user-friendly Chrome extension that helps you track your research progress on FamilySearch. This week we are excited to announce that Goldie May has been selected as an Authorized Training Partner for The Family History Guide Association. What This Means...