Category: U.S. Research

Finding Your Ancestors in Poor House or Poor Farm Records

Note: This article was published by James Tanner on the Genealogy’s Star blog site and is used with the author’s permission.   Frederick County Poor Farm in Virginia, United States, By AgnosticPreachersKid – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, houses and poor farms, which go by many different names, have a long history in English speaking countries. Quoting from the article,...

Finding Your Ancestors using Death and Cemetery Records — Part One: Lost and No Recovery

Note: This article by James Tanner was published previously on the Genealogy’s Star blog site and is used with the author’s permission.   Death and cemetery records go way beyond death certificates and grave marker inscriptions. To begin to understand all of these genealogically valuable records we need to focus on what happens and what records are created when a...