Discovering Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness

Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness sounds like a good idea—and it is. It’s actually a free website at As the name implies, it’s all about offering services to those doing genealogy research. Let’s take a look at what this amazing website has to offer, using the tabs at the top of the home page:

  • Volunteer Directory: You can enter a location or type of record you’re interested in, and a list appears with names of volunteers who will do free genealogy lookups for you. These are mostly U.S.-based (1120 results), but other countries and continents are represented.
  • Record Guides: There are 11 categories of guides, each with helpful tips and resources for research by record type. The Family History Guide like to a number of these record guides.
  • U.S. State Guides: There is an extensive guide available for each U.S. state. Additionally, there are separate guides for counties in each state, which provides a useful base for research throughout the United States.
  • DNA Research Guide: This guide has an extensive table of contents that covers such topics as finding genetic cousins, testing for yDNA, mtDNA, and autosomal, what DNA tests can and cannot tell you, etc.

We hope you enjoy the Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness website!


Bob Taylor