Introducing Goals for Geography, Culture, and History
Geography, culture, and history are three important but often overlooked aspects of family history. Together, they can provide a wonderful sense of context for your ancestors’ lives. Geography puts the physical framework around the places and events; culture clarifies the traditions that drive behaviors and choices; and history helps us see how external events push and pull the timelines of their lives.
Each country has its own flavor and mix of geography, culture, and history. Now, over 45 of the Country pages in The Family History Guide have new Goals for these three elements. The Goals are the last ones in each page, and links are available in the header areas.
Below is a picture of the Geography, Culture, and History Goal fromĀ Ireland. Like the other Goals of its kind, it has links for general topics, reference, and specialty items for kids. Note: The links in the example below are not operational, but they work fine on The Family History Guide website.
These Goals provide helpful context as you do research in various countries, and they can offer a welcome change of pace to the rigors of genealogy. We plan to enhance and expand these Goals in the future.
An added bonus of the Geography, Culture, and History Goals: they are ideal for home schooling and other educational efforts. Be sure to check out the announcement about our new Home Schooling page in The Family History Guide.
We hope you enjoy the new Geography, Culture, and History Goals!