Introducing Spotlight Videos

We’re excited to announce that we have created a new playlist on our YouTube channel, called Spotlights. These are 30-second videos that introduce some of the great features of The Family History Guide. These are ideal for sharing on social media, as warmups for family history presentations, etc. Each video has an end screen with a link that takes you to the highlighted feature in The Family History Guide, as well as a link to watch additional Spotlight videos.

We are starting off the series with three Spotlights. Look for three more to be added each week up to the RootsTech conference (March 3-5), and more after that as they are available.

You can watch the three Spotlights below, or on our YouTube channel. Enjoy, and be sure to share with friends and family.


Spotlight 1: Build Your Family Tree

Spotlight 2: Where Are Your Memories?

Spotlight 3: It’s About Time

Bob Taylor