Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The Family History Guide Association

The Management Team of The Family History Guide would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family and friends a safe and happy holiday season. We are grateful for your ongoing support for and interest in family history, and the work you do connect generations together.

There is much today that may be worrisome to many of us, including political divides, ongoing wars, and human suffering. Remembering our families and ancestors and the sacrifices they made for us can help us find greater meaning in our lives and more willingness to work together as a human family.

This year I visited Thanksgiving Point Gardens in Utah. I saw beautiful bronze statues of a woman seated on a bench in grief from her trials, and an angel – perhaps an ancestor – offering her comfort. As I watched, a three-year-old boy sat down on the bench next to the statue-woman and talked with her for several minutes in an effort to cheer her up. His mother shared with me that he often takes opportunites to help others feel better. The fact that she was a statue did not deter him in the least.

May your homes and hearts be filled with joy and peace this holiday, and may we find occasions to lift others and share our good will and love!


The Family History Guide Association

Bob Taylor