Miles Meyer to Present at the Society of Genealogists Conference

The Society of Genealogists, based in London, has announced its lineup of online presenters for July. We are excited to note that Miles Meyer, Director of Education for The Family History Guide, will be presenting on July 13. His topic is “Mining U.S. Census Records for Family History.” Here’s an overview of the presentation, from the Society of Genealogists website:

The British genealogist may be very familiar with the U.K. census returns, but cross the Atlantic and the census returns for the United States of America are a bit different.

The U.S. census has changed greatly since the first one was performed in 1790. This presentation will discuss how the census has changed from 1790 to 1950, provide an explanation of the data that is available in  the  various  census  records and how to develop that into a timeline which can be used to write a narrative for a family.

Miles has also presented at RootsTech in 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, as well as RootsTech London in 2019.



Bob Taylor

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