New: The Family History Guide for Latinos

Several months ago we produced a Spanish translation of our popular Introduction to The Family History Guide video. You can watch it on the Home page or on our YouTube Channel.

We’re excited to announce a new video available on the BYU Family History Library YouTube channel: The Family History Guide for Latinos. This video is presented by Ada Nelson and Maribel Medina. Ada is one of the foremost Hispanic genealogy experts, having produced webinars, scholarly papers, and aids for doing research in Latin America. Maribel is a well-known family history history trainer in the San Diego area, assisting hundreds of native Spanish speakers in learning FamilySearch and The Family History Guide.

Together they created an insightful video that helps Latinos discover and use many features of The Family History Guide. They are also involved with efforts to enhance language usability on the website.

You can watch the video on the BYU channel, and it is also included below for your convenience.



Bob Taylor