New: Updates to Country Pages

In The Family History Guide there are links to about 70 country pages for research. These include some “collector pages” such as Central America, East Europe, Pacific Islands, and South America. There are also links to resources for hundreds of smaller countries around the globe.

In preparation for RootsTech 2020 (Feb. 26-29), we have updated quite a few of the country pages with new content and helpful links. The goal is to complete the updates for most of the country pages by then.

Here’s a list of the country pages that have been recently updated:

Argentina  Australia  Austria  Belarus  Belgium  Brazil  Chile  Colombia  Czech Republic  Denmark  Ecuador  El Salvador  Estonia  Finland  France  Germany  Greece  Hungary  Iceland  India  Italy  Jamaica  Latvia  Lithuania  Mexico  Netherlands  Norway  Philippines  Poland  Portugal  Romania Tonga

Of course, you can go to All Countries in The Family History Guide to see all the pages. We hope you enjoy the updates, and happy researching!

Coming Attractions

We are excited to announce that by RootsTech 2020 we plan to have a series of Intro Videos ready for most of the country pages, expanding later to U.S. state pages as well. These videos will be published on our YouTube Channel, so stay tuned for the latest news!

Bob Taylor