Don’t Forget the Aunts and Uncles

Note: This article by Dave Castleton appeared previously in the Granite Family History Center blog site. A few years ago I wrote a history of my father. He died quite young, and my children and grandchildren did not get to know him. I wanted to help them learn about his life and experiences. As I began writing, I realized I...

Live and Unrehearsed Research from Goldie May: Episode 24

Note: This article appeared previously on the Genealogy’s Star blog site. Goldie May Live and Unrehearsed Episode 24: Tracing African American Families through the Great Migration The Goldie May series continues with more videos. Each of these videos will give you insight into how to do research online. (This one has to do with records from the Great American...

Supporting The Family History Guide Association with Amazon Smile

It’s So Easy to Donate to The Family History Guide Association for Free Did you know if you shop on Amazon you can donate to The Family History Guide Association for no charge to you?  That’s right!  Amazon will donate .05% of your total purchase to The Family History Guide Association, to help us with vital expenses such as RootsTech...

Inside the Guide: Exploring the Online Tracker

The Online Tracker, a secure database feature of The Family History Guide, recently reached a milestone: it now has over 6,000 registered users worldwide. As you may know, the Online Tracker enables you to take notes for what you’re learning in The Family History Guide, and it provides slider bars you can move to highlight you skill levels for any...

In Transition: Certified Trainers Are Now Volunteer Instructors

The Family History Guide Association has maintained a Certified Trainers program for a number of years, where people can take a certification quiz, get registered, and have their contact information appear on a web page so people can reach out to them for training needs. We want to thank all those who have served as Certified Trainers and let everyone...

The Family History Guide at the East Texas Family History Fair

Last week I was privileged to help with a very successful family history fair sponsored by the East Texas Genealogical Society and The Tyler Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There were about 200 people in attendance at the fair, held at the Tyler Texas Public Library. Here are the specific events I took part in:...

The Family History Guide: In the News

In preparation for the East Texas Family History Fair held on September 10, the organizing committee contacted the KLTV local television station and had them produce a news feature for the event. Jill Taylor, Communications Specialist for  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Tyler Texas Stake, spearheaded the effort, and the result was an engaging and well-done piece...

Inside the Guide: Exploring UK Historical Maps

Looking for all the right places to research your ancestors in the United Kingdom and Ireland? Check out the Goals for Maps and Gazetteers in The Family History Guide. These Goals are located in the following Country pages: England Scotland Wales Ireland Some of the map resources you’ll find include David contains more than 150,000 maps. The collection focuses...

FamilySearch Update: Reverse Hints

If you have been on the FamilySearch site for a while, you’re likely familiar with those blue record hint icons that pop up in the Family Tree view. They point you to possible record sources for the ancestor with the icon, and they have long been a valuable part of the FamilySearch experience. Now, after years of waiting, the circle...

Inside the Guide: Business and Occupational Records

We are coming up fast on the Labor Day holiday in the U.S. One of the joys of family history is getting to know your ancestors on a more personal level, and an important part of that is understanding what occupations they had. Some may have even changed jobs or occupations several times in their lives, due to life circumstances...