The Family History Guide at the East Texas Family History Fair

Now that global pandemic restrictions have lifted somewhat, family history fairs are making their comeback. The “Discovering Your Roots and Branches” family history fair, sponsored by the East Texas Genealogical Society, will be celebrating its 20th year in about 10 days. The fair will be held on Saturday, Sept. 10 at the Tyler (Texas) Public Library, 201 S. College Ave....

New QRB Video: Getting Started with New Zealand Research

We have just published a new Quick Research Basics (QRB) video on our YouTube Channel. Narrated by James Tanner, it helps you understand the background, history, and peoples of New Zealand, and it provides tips for getting started with effective genealogy research for ancestors there. You can watch the video in our QRB Playlist or in Goal 1 of the...

From Three, to One or Two

The Family History Guide blog has published nearly 800 articles since it began, on a wide variety of family history topics. We have set the bar pretty high over the years, with three new blog articles per week. In the coming weeks, we will be transitioning to one or two articles per week, with an occasional set of three. We...

Understanding Jurisdictions for Genealogists

James Tanner has created a new video for the BYU Family History Library: Understanding Jurisdictions for Genealogists. In the video, James defines and explains jurisdictions and what types of genealogical records can be found in different jurisdictions. You can watch the video below or on YouTube. Enjoy!  

Seven Years for The Family History Guide

Just a few weeks ago, The Family History Guide website turned seven years old, having launched at the end of July, 2015. It has been quite an adventure, and it continues to be so! We have had visitors to the website from over 150 countries, and many people around the world use the site to learn family history and to...

Universal vs Private Family Trees: Pros and Cons

Note: This article was published previously on the Genealogy’s Star site.   This is a blog post spoiler. When you weigh the pros and cons of universal family trees against those of private family trees, the universal tree always wins. By no means, am I undertaking to compare individual programs, the issues I see of overriding importance duplication of effort...

History Resources for England Counties

Each state page in the United States has a Choice for history resources, in Goal 1 for each state. Learning about the history of a place can help you put together the pieces of your research more easily and effectively. We have just added similar history Choices for all the county pages in England. For example, the Choice for the...

New: 1950 Census Tools in The Family History Guide

The 1950 United States Federal Census, while not yet fully indexed on some sites, is now being accessed by genealogists and researchers around the world. We’ve added resources in The Family History Guide to help you get started with the 1950 Census in your research, with links to helpful articles, forms, and records for finding your ancestors in the Census....

FamilySearch Person Page Redesign

Some things have been around for quite a while, such as the Person page in FamilySearch. So when that page gets an update, it’s worth noticing. Below are a few of the key items in the update. New “About” Tab includes a life summary, time line, family overview, etc. Source List displays all the attached sources for the ancestor Other...