Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research from Goldie May: Episodes 4 and 5

James Tanner and Richard Miller are back at it again, with new episodes of their popular “Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research from Goldie May.” Each episode is designed to take you behind the scenes of expert genealogists tackling research problems in real time. This approach is quite the opposite of the traditional after-the-fact reporting of most research articles and videos....

It’s a Date: Adding Dates to the Article and Video Links

In a recent blog article on The Family History Guide, we mentioned that dates (years) have been added to entries in the Vault. The entries are sorted by year, within video and article categories, with blanks for unknown years. Now we have begun adding years for article and video links in the main part of The Family History Guide. Unlike...

The Family History Guide: Tips and Tricks

The BYU Family History Library recently posted a new YouTube video titled The Family History Guide: Tips and Tricks. This video gives you an inside look at some useful features and tips for using them, such as shared and hybrid topics, hidden gems, resource stars, info buttons, and a lot more. The video has had about 500 views in its...

Presentations for The Family History Guide

We recently delivered a hour-long online presentation about The Family History Guide to the Milwaukee County Genealogical Society (MCGS) located in Wisconsin. The presentation was well-received, and here are a few of the comments from the session: “With all this, why would I want to search anywhere else? This is a fantastic website. Thank you so much for presenting this.”...

Indexes in The Family History Guide

It’s no secret that The Family History Guide website covers a lot of information. Although it doesn’t contain source records (it points to sites where the records can be found), it has links to thousands of great articles and videos, plus hundreds of useful websites, databases, and family history activities. These resources are included in our Learning System, so you...

New Additions to The Family History Guide

Over the past month or so we’ve been busy adding new links to The Family History Guide from RootsTech and other sources. Here’s a brief summary of what’s new in the website. RootsTech 2022 We’ve added links to over 200 videos from RootsTech 2022, in a wide variety of categories. Here’s a small sampling, with the locations in The Family...

Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research from Goldie May, Episode #3

Episode 3 of Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research from Goldie May is now online. You can watch the episode below, or on on the Goldie May YouTube Channel. Here’s a note about the video, from James Tanner, one of the co-hosts of the series: “Richard Miller, the developer of the Goldie May app and website, and I have started...

Stories of Gathering My Family History

Note: This article was published previously on the Granite Family history center website. My early experiences with family history were overwhelming and daunting. Once, when I was at the Salt Lake Family History Library, I looked through a book with a line of my ancestors and noticed a vital date for my father was wrong. When no one was looking,...

New Video: Mapping Your Roots

We’ve added a new video to our YouTube Channel: Mapping Your Roots, by Miles Meyer. It’s from a presentation he did for The Genealogy Show this month, and it covers essential map concepts for research, such as historical place names, online sites, land and property resources, etc. The video is in the Quick Research Basics playlist and is included below...

Genealogy Research … Live

Watching an artisan or craftsman at work can be an enlightening experience. Whether it’s a musician practicing, an architect drawing a plan, or a  sculptor molding clay, you can often see the creative and technical flows coming together. Two genealogy “artisans” of note are James Tanner, blogger, presenter, and Chairman of The Family History Guide Association; and Richard Miller, software...