Upcoming BYU Webinar: Research with The Family History Guide

The BYU Family History Library keeps rolling out great family history instruction videos, and we are honored to be part of their upcoming schedule. On Thursday, July 7 at 5 p.m. Mountain Time I will be presenting a webinar titled “Research with The Family History Guide.” It will go into depth on the research menus, tools, and resources available in...

Unrehearsed Genealogy Research, Episode 7: New York, Early 1800s

From James Tanner: “We are on YouTube again with another episode of Unrehearsed Genealogy Research, Episode 7: New York, early 1800s. In this episode, we look at an end of line in my own part of the FamilySearch.org Family Tree. A land record provides the best evidence for the presence of a husband and wife in the given county of New York....

Getting to Know the U.S. State Pages

As you know, The Family History Guide has research pages for many countries, including the United States. Just below the Statue of Liberty picture on the main U.S. page is a list of links to all 50 states, plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. 12 Goals The overall structure of each state page is the same – 12 Goals, plus...

Getting the Help You Need

Family history is one of the most rewarding activities we can do, partly because it is so multi-faceted. Where else could you get immersed in family relations, history, geography, culture, migration, and much more, all pieced together into one mosaic? But all of that beautiful complexity may come with a sizeable learning curve for many of us. Fortunately, The Family...

Goldie May Subway Map Now Works with Ancestry.com

Note: This article was published previously on the Genealogy’s Star blog site.   https://youtu.be/9K2E6ZPWxfY Goldie May’s timeline tool, called the Subway Map, now works with Ancestry. You can watch the short demo above to see how this works. You can also view all of the current and future videos from GoldieMay.com on the Goldie May YouTube Channel. See https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDuk8GVz6D_jiyvEFSGJnKw/featured   New...

Finding Your Female Ancestors

Happy Mother’s Day (one day later)! To focus on the great women in our family trees, let’s take a look at ways we can find our female ancestors more easily, using resources in The Family History Guide. This article focuses on Goal B4 in the United States page: Marriage Records. Basic Marriage Records Often you can find needed information about...

New QRB Video: Beginning Research in Australia

We have added a new QRB (Quick Research Basics) video to our YouTube Channel. This new addition, narrated by James Taner, is titled Beginning Research in Australia. It provides a helpful introduction to doing genealogy research in Australia, including the following topics: Australia background and history Convicts and settlements Australian archives Church records You can watch the video in Goal...

Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research from Goldie May: Episode 6

James Tanner and Richard Miller have recently published Episode 6 in the series of Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research from Goldie May. This newest episode focuses on Danish research, although the principles discussed can be widely applied to other aspects of genealogy. You can find all the episodes on the Goldie May YouTube Channel, and Episode 6 is included below...

BYU Family History Library Subject Guides

The Brigham Young University Library has handy subject guides on just about every topic you can think of—including family history, of course. One of the great things about these guides is that they provide essential resources and overviews, in an easy-to-use format. Inside the family history subject guide are tabs for the following topics: Beginning Research: Tips for starting your family history...

Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research from Goldie May: Episodes 4 and 5

James Tanner and Richard Miller are back at it again, with new episodes of their popular “Live and Unrehearsed Genealogy Research from Goldie May.” Each episode is designed to take you behind the scenes of expert genealogists tackling research problems in real time. This approach is quite the opposite of the traditional after-the-fact reporting of most research articles and videos....