What’s New in The Family History Guide: 9/20/2021

There’s always a lot going on with The Family History Guide, but you may have noticed that the What’s New page has been a bit behind. We noticed a page update problem that hid the most recent items, so we have revised it to include additions for June and July of 2021. Currently we are working on fine-tuning and enhancing...

Upcoming Class: Intro to The Family History Guide

The Granite Family History Center is starting its fall semester of online Zoom classes this week. All classes are broadcast Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. Mountain time. To register for a class, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87373988340?pwd=bjMxcVB5Y3pJSzExTCtFbGxJcWt1UT09  and join 10 minutes before the class session. Classes are being recorded and will be available later on the website (https://www.granitefhc.com/videos-tutorials/). First up is Introduction...

New BYU Webinar Video for The Family History Guide

Last week a new video was published on the BYU Family History Library YouTube Channel: Teaching Family History with The Family History Guide. It is already proving to be one of the most popular of recent videos on the channel. You can also view the video on the Trainers Home page in The Family History Guide. Here are the topics...

Sharing Family History, Part 4

Note: This article by Janet Helland appeared previously on the Granite Family History Center blog site and is used with the author’s permission.       Memories “There isn’t a person you wouldn’t love if you could read their story.” -Marjorie P. Hinckley “The best loved stories are not from books or films but those from our own families.” -Jayne...

New: Presenting The Family History Guide

If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check out the new entry in the Trainers menu: Presenting TFHG  (The Family History Guide). It’s a guide for preparing and delivering a full, customizable presentation of the website, in 50 minutes or less. There are two main sections on the page: Guidance Slides and Doing the Presentation. The full presentation...

Sharing Family History: Family History Fun

Note: This article by Janet Helland was published previously on the Granite Family History Center blog siteand is used with the author’s permission.   Family History Fun In Part Three of this series, we will explore family history activities that individuals, families, friends and church groups can organize and participate in.  Once you start investigating a few of the options...

Understanding Merging on the FamilySearch Family Tree

Note: This article by James Tanner was published previously on the Genealogy’s Star blog site. The FamilySearch.org Family Tree was originally seeded with previously collected individual and family histories from five major collections: the Ancestral File, the Pedigree Resource File, the International Genealogical Index, and Membership and Temple records from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These records were not directly added to the Family Tree. They were...

This Week at the BYU FHL: Training Webinar for The Family History Guide

On September 1 at 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time, I will be presenting a webinar for the BYU Family History Library titled “Teaching Family History with The Family History Guide.” The webinar is free, and you can sign up using the link at the top of this page: https://fh.lib.byu.edu/classes-and-webinars/online-webinars/ Here are some of the topics that will be covered, all relating...

Fall Class Schedule for the Granite Family History Center

The Fall Semester of online classes for the Granite Family History Center is almost here! These free classes will be taught by outstanding family history instructors via Zoom, Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. Mountain Time. We hope you will join us, and feel free to spread the word!   14-Sep Bob Taylor Introduction to The Family History Guide 21-Sep James...

BYU Education Week Recap

Education Week at Brigham Young University completed recently, and The Family History Guide was well-represented. The booth for the website was located north of the Eatery in the Wilkinson Center on campus.  From Angelle Anderson, Marketing Director of The Family History Guide Association: We had a lot of people stop and want to hear about the site, and almost emptied...