Winter Online Class Schedule: Sandy Granite Family History Center

The new year—2021—will soon be here, along with a new class schedule from the Sandy Granite family history center. Each Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Mountain Time, a free online class will be presented via Zoom. To attend any of the classes, simply access the following link about 15 minutes before the class: Classes will be recorded and posted...

Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings

It’s probably safe to say that this year has been like no other for us. Through it all, there have been many who have sacrificed and given so much: some their lives, others their strength and time, and others simply their care, concern and love. As we look forward to the year 2021, with hopes for ending the pandemic, we...

Year-End Opportunity for Giving

We at the Family History Guide Association want to thank our users for their continued support of our mission “to greatly increase the number of people actively involved in family history worldwide, and to make everyone’s family history journey easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable.” Hello, I’m Bob Ives, the Executive Director and co-founder of The Family History Guide Association....

Finding Your Ancestors in Poor House or Poor Farm Records

Note: This article was published by James Tanner on the Genealogy’s Star blog site and is used with the author’s permission.   Frederick County Poor Farm in Virginia, United States, By AgnosticPreachersKid – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, houses and poor farms, which go by many different names, have a long history in English speaking countries. Quoting from the article,...

Introducing Quick Research Basics (QRB) Videos

We’re excited to announce a new series of videos on our YouTube Channel and in The Family History Guide website: Quick Research Basics. As of this writing, there are three videos—United States Records, Forming a Research Strategy, and Developing Search Skills. About the Videos These videos range from two to three minutes each, and they are provide you with the...

The Family History Guide and Public Libraries

Public libraries have grown and changed quite a lot over the years. Gone are the days when the only way to visit a library was to hop in the car and drive there. Most libraries now have extensive online resources, including eBooks, web resources, activities and learning groups, and more. Each has a website customized to the needs of their...

Avoiding the “Same Name Trap”

Note: This article by Kathryn Grant was published previously in the Hearts Linked Together blog site and is used with the author’s permission. Picture this scenario: You’re working in the Family Tree on when you see a possible duplicate for John Chambers. And both of them have a wife named Elizabeth. Are these two John Chambers the same person?...

What’s New in The Family History Guide – 12/7/2020

Here is a summary list of updates to The Family History Guide website as of Dec. 7, 2020. Note: Going forward, the What’s New articles will be posted the first Monday of each month. 12-05  –  Added new topics to the Research Knowledgebase. 12-02  –  Updated the Tour on the Home page, adding new information and graphics. 11-28  –  In...

Christmas Traditions in the UK

There are many Christmas traditions that we hold dear in Britain. Yet, many of us do not know where these traditions came from. We’ve been having a closer look at the origins of some of our most beloved traditions and we think that what we’ve found out might just surprise you. Christmas Markets A Christmas Market has become a staple...

The Family History Guide Marketplace

In our mission to help others learn and enjoy family history, we are supported by donations from foundations, corporations, and individuals. One of the ways people can donate to The Family History Guide Association is by purchasing great gift items online from The Family History Guide Marketplace. As the holiday season is upon us and we think of giving, why...