More Display Pages

The Display Pages are proving to be a popular and effective way to introduce people to The Family History Guide. Recently we have added new items to our Display Pages collections and content. Here’s a summary, to get you caught up on the latest:  New Project Pages collection. This collection includes a page for each of the Projects for FamilySearch, Ancestry,...

Don’t Forget to “Smile”

It’s nearing the end of the holiday shopping season, and what better time to make sure you are wearing an “Amazon Smile”! And what better feeling than to know that you’re supporting a great charitable organization in The Family History Guide Association. a) If you have not yet chosen a charity organization for your Amazon shopping, visit to designate The...

The Family History Guide At RootsTech London – Part Four

The RootsTech, London, exhibit hall opened to an enormous crowd of excited family history enthusiasts this morning – the last day of the conference. This was the busiest of the three days with an additional 4,902 attendees coming to learn, meet new friends and relatives, and enjoy the free “Family Discovery Day” to the fullest. Miraculously, our stack of pass-along cards...

Introducing the Display Pages

From storefront ads to electronic billboards, display advertising is everywhere. The Family History Guide Association has introduced a bit of a do-it-yourself approach with its new Display Pages. These are 8.5 x 11 PDF files that can be printed or used electronically to share The Family History Guide with others. You can use the link above to access the pages,...

The Family History Guide At RootsTech London – Part Three

Friday the exhibit hall opened at 9:45 a.m. and was busy from the first minute of this exciting day! The first general session featured Paralympian Kadeena Cox and FamilySearch International CEO Steve Rockwood. The evening special event was “Connecting Through Music” with the talented group Tre Amici at 6 p.m. in the auditorium. Since we worked our booth straight through...

22 Million Completely Searchable Books and Records on the Internet Archive

Editor’s Note: This article by James Tanner originally appeared on the Genealogy’s Star blog site and is used with the author’s permission. 22 Million Completely Searchable Books and Records on the Internet Archive One of the least known valuable genealogical resources is the Internet Archive or This website is rapidly becoming the largest, free, downloadable, completely accessible collection of books...

Updated Ancestry Pages in The Family History Guide has been busy with new features and site changes recently, so we have likewise updated our Ancestry pages in The Family History Guide. Below is a list of some of the updates we’ve made on our website, by Project, Goal and Choice. The corresponding entries in the Word Tracker files and the Online Tracker have also been updated.  ...

The Family History Guide at RootsTech London – Part Two

 What a privilege to bring The Family History Guide to this historic event!  The Exhibition Hall opened at 9:45 a.m. Thursday, and was busy from the onset with attendees from various places all over the world stopping by our booth to find out what we are all about. Some were experienced genealogists and most were beginners or those with a...

Happy Thanksgiving from The Family History Guide Association!

Whatever your culture and traditions, it’s great to be grateful. On behalf of the Family History Guide Association, we would like to thank the many who make family history a meaningful part of their lives, as well as those who volunteer to teach classes and mentor others in discovering their ancestors. It truly is a global effort, and it has...