The Family History Guide at RootsTech London – Part One

From the day the announcement was made that RootsTech London would be happening, The Family History Guide team considered being part of it. However, we had pretty much given up hope that anyone on our management team would be able to make the trip, until one day when I said to my husband, Scott, “Let’s go!”  The more we discussed...

Staying Logged in to the Online Tracker

The Online Tracker is a powerful tool for helping you track your learning progress. It has Notes boxes and slider bars for over 200 Projects, with all the associated Goals and Choices for The Family History Guide.  One of the security features of the Online Tracker is the “auto-logout” that logs you out after two hours of inactivity. While this is...

Researching in U.S. Counties

Doing family history research in the United States? You’ll enjoy the resources in the Family History Guide; there are separate research pages for each of the 50 states, plus Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico. And when it comes to doing county research, we’ve got you covered there as well. Under the main picture on each state page, there is a...

United States Military Pages in The Family History Guide

November 11 is Veterans Day, a great day to remember and thank those who have sacrificed so much for the freedom of the United States. For genealogists and family historians, military records represent a valuable source for finding and learning about ancestors who served our country. In the United States country page for The Family History Guide, there are two...

What’s New in The Family History Guide

If you’re ever wondering what’s new in The Family History Guide website, there are two easy ways to find out: Follow our Facebook page to get regular updates (we’re currently at update #155). Check out the What’s New page (in the Misc. menu). We especially appreciate the efforts of Laird Jenkins and Ann Tanner in recently reviewing website content for...

10 Ways to Enhance and Improve Your Experience with the FamilySearch Family Tree

Editor’s Note: This blog article by James Tanner was originally published in the Rejoice and Be Exceeding Glad blog site and is used with the author’s permission. 10 Ways to Enhance and Improve Your Experience with the FamilySearch Family Tree There are a number of very specific things you can do to enhance and improve your experience with the Family Tree....

The Family History Guide: Q & A

First question: Where’s the basic Q&A page in The Family History Guide? Answer: It’s pretty well known that there’s an FAQ link in the Intro menu, which discusses basic items bout the website and The Family History Guide Association. Second question: What about other questions? Answer: Let’s dive in and explore 10 other questions you might be wondering about …...

Expanded Commentary on the Rules of Genealogy: Rule Eleven

Editor’s note: This article by James Tanner appeared previously in the Genealogy’s Star blog site and is used with the author’s permission. Expanded Commentary on the Rules of Genealogy: Rule Eleven I have slowly been going back to the list of the Rules of Genealogy and writing about each individual rule. There are presently 12 Rules. Here is the current list...

Project 8: DNA Updates, Goals 5-8

We have just completed a refresh for links in Project 8: DNA, Goals 5-8. (See the Updates to Project 8: DNA article for a description of changes made in Goals 1-4.) Special thanks to our BYU Intern Hailey Belshe for her work on this initiative. Here’s a summary of the new article and video links available, listed by Goal and Choice. There...