Inside the Guide: Organizing Your Research

Doing family history research can sometimes be like turning on a fire hose, as a flood of information comes pouring in to your room. Some of it is essential, and some is nice-to-know, but anything thing worth keeping is worth organizing so you can find it quickly in the future. This article provides a few tips on organizing your research,...

According To Kids…

How do kids feel about family history activities? Well, watch our newest video on The Family History Guide YouTube Channel (and on this post) to find out! Kids will tell you that family history activities are fun, easy, and by doing them you find out that ancestors are awesome! According to kids, family history activities don’t have to be boring! You can try...

Sneak Peek: A Goal per Page

In the Projects section of The Family History Guide, Goals are the foundation piece. They contain the essential Choices, Steps, and resources needed for solid instruction. One challenge that arises, especially as more content is added to The Family History Guide, is the length of some of the Project pages. For example, Project 1: Family Tree (in the Family Search Learning...

The Solutions Gallery Welcomes The Family History Guide

If you’ve been around FamilySearch for a while, you’ll remember the FamilySearch App Gallery, a collection of mostly handy but occasionally outdated apps and tools for family history. Now FamilySearch has replaced the App Gallery with the powerful new Solutions Gallery, with helpful categories and of some the latest technology for family historian. You can find the main link to...

Take Family History Outdoors!

If the weather gets warm enough in your part of the world, consider taking advantage of the open air to make family history memories outdoors with your family. Plan ways to share stories about your ancestors while including the whole crew in the action. Many of the activities found in the Family History Guide activity pages for families, individuals, youth, and kids can be even more...

Inside the Guide: The Other Side of Computer Basics

One of the handy features of The Family History Guide is the Computer Basics section. It’s primarily designed for those who are new to computers, or those who want to improve their basic computing skills for family history. Yes, there are even steps to show you how to turn a computer on or off (although beginners would likely need a...

Keeping in Synch with FamilySearch

If you’re a FamilySearch user, you’ve probably noticed that some important changes have been made to the Person page feature. FamilySearch rolled these changes out on Sept. 5, and we have updated Project 1 in The Family History Guide to reflect the changes. Here’s a look at the new Person page for a Family Tree person. The main difference you’ll...

Happy Grandparents Day!

Today (September 9th, 2018) is National Grandparents Day in the USA —  established by former President Jimmy Carter to be the first Sunday after Labor Day. Go to this site to see when Grandparents Day is celebrated in other parts of the world. What a great way to focus on the unique contributions grandparents make and to thank and celebrate them! According to The...

Introducing the Kids Corner

For over two years, the Children’s page on The Family History Guide site has provided fun family history activities for youngsters. Now it’s time to take the next step … introducing the Kids Corner, where kids can explore family history activities and discover what it’s all about.. The Kids Corner takes the place of the Children’s page in the Activities...

Mark Your Calendars for RootsTech 2019!

The Family History Guide Association is excited to announce our participation in the upcoming RootsTech Family History and Genealogy Conference which will be happening February 27–March 2, 2019 at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah!  We will be presenting, and hosting a booth in the Exhibit Hall. We are looking forward to being part of this monumental event,...