Computer Basics, New and Improved!

The Computer Basics section (Intro > Computer Basics) has been around since the early days of The Family History Guide. (OK, when we say “early” we mean about two and a half years, but you get the idea.) We included some great articles and videos that have helped people get started and improve their basic computing skills, whether on PC...

Capturing Memories Before It’s Too Late

This past week our family celebrated the life of my husband’s beloved stepmother at a carefully planned funeral and at several family get-togethers. Although I had helped her gather and preserve documents and photos, and had audio recorded her sharing memories of her life and family history, her sudden illness and death left me wishing I had spent more time...

What’s New in The Family History Guide: Top 20

On Wednesday, March 21, 2018 we presented a BYU Webinar that recapped 20 important changes that have taken place in The Family History Guide website over the last few months. We’re excited about the recent updates, and we hope they will help you be even more productive with using the website. View the BYU Webinar here. The changes to the...

Check Out the Free App “Famicity”- a Private Social Network and FamilySearch Partner

There is a new app in town and it might be just what you and your family are looking for! FamilySearch announced France-based as its newest partner in September of 2017. Famicity is a free and fun social media app (IOS and Android) and website that offers all of your family members a private social network based on a family tree. Each will have the opportunity to collaboratively tell and preserve...

The Family History Guide Brochures: A New Look

If you’ve been around The Family History Guide for a while, you’re likely familiar with the brochure that you could download, print, or order online. As of RootsTech 2018, we have a different strategy: we’ve replaced the old brochures with a series of new ones that you can download and print (we no longer offer the online order service). A...

Triple the Smiles, with AmazonSmile

As you might know, The Family History Guide Association participates in the AmazonSmile program, where you can designate your favorite public charity organization (like us!) to receive AmazonSmile donations when you shop at Amazon. Well, things got even better: first purchases with AmazonSmile now get triple the donations for a limited time. Read on for details, and thanks for your...

Hello Cousin! Connect with “Relatives Around Me”

FamilySearch has added a fun feature to its Family Tree App entitled “Relatives Around Me” – an easy way to find relatives within minutes! Long-lost cousins are no longer lost – if they happen to be within 100 feet of each other, and logged into the Family Tree app at the same time. You will find the Family Tree App in the App...

Activities Pages: Adding an Index and Trackers

We’ve added some new features that will help you get even more enjoyment from your experience with Activities in The Family History Guide: two indexes and three trackers. Main Index The main index for activities provides an alphabetical list of activities by type, across all activities pages. When you find an activity of interest in the index, the link will take...

Introducing Project Quizzes for The Family History Guide

So you’ve worked through the Goals for a Project in The Family History Guide, and you’d like to see how well you remember the concepts. Or, perhaps you’re a family history trainer who would like to measure learning for those you teach. Either way, the new Project Quizzes in The Family History Guide could be just the ticket. What Are...

Where Did You Get Your Good Looks? Try out “Compare-A-Face” for Fun!

Have you ever wondered where you got your good looks? Now you can know through a newly released FamilySearch discovery adventure called “Compare-a-Face.” It uses your picture, the portraits of your ancestors on, and facial recognition software to tell you how much you look like your ancestors. Try it out by clicking this link (or put it in your browser):...