RootsTech Recap – Thank You from The Family History Guide Association

RootsTech is now a memory, but what an incredible one! Thank you to all who came to our booth to learn about the Family History Guide and to all who attended mini-classes, played our game show, scanned the T-shirts, signed up to be regional trainers for The Family History Guide, and to all those (over 800) who attended our Friday presentation. A special thank you to the RootsTech administration and staff. We express gratitude to volunteers who helped our management team set-up, prepare materials, print pass-along cards, banners, flyers, posters and who printed on T-shirts and gifts, and to our embroidery specialist. We also thank our booth designers and suppliers, and Johanna Taylor for sketching lucky winners of the drawing. We are so grateful to our videographers who beautifully captured inspirational stories on film, to those who shared their stories, and to those who created instructional videos. We are also so grateful to all the willing workers who volunteered in the booth all week, and to those who helped take it down on Saturday night. A huge thank you to Troy Dunn (known as “The Locator”) who introduced Bob Taylor and Bob Ives at The Family History Guide RootsTech presentation along with sharing his love of family history and how it has been the backbone of his mission to find lost family members for people all around the globe. We are so grateful for all who have contributed to our successful, fun, eventful and exciting experience at Rootstech 2018! We missed all of you who wished you could be there, and hope to see you next year!

We are deeply grateful to the Miller Foundation for their support – we could not have done what we did this year without their generous donation. We appreciate all donations and express our gratitude to all those who lend support in any way.  Our gratitude knows no bounds! We feel so blessed to call you all friends!

Rootstech 2018 Review

See the Family History Guide videos on our YouTube Channel.

Troy Dunn’s YouTube Channel









Angelle Anderson

2 Responses

  1. Last year at Roots TEch, I walked by The Family History Guide presentations. It caught my attention, and I spent a lot of time there. I was so excited about this site. I met many who oversee this project and it was a true delight to meet them. Both Brother and Sister Tanner took time to visit with me as did others. After returning home that evening, I spent hours reviewing the Family History Guide, and was so excited about this site.
    After returning home, I taught about this web site at our Stake Family Day. I am teaching another class this year, but will spend the last 15 minutes teaching about the Family History Guide. It is an easy sight to work through to find answers. I love it and am forever grateful to those who developed it. Diane MCFarlin

    • You are welcome, Diane – thanks for your support of The Family History Guide!