As a non-profit charitable organization, The Family History Guide Association depends on donations to coverĀ  expenses, such as for RootsTech, travel, development costs, etc. These donations cover a wide range of givers, from private individuals to corporations, and they ensure the financial means for meeting our goals.

We are excited to announce a new donor to The Family History Guide Association: the Sorenson Legacy Foundation. The following paragraph from their website sums up their mission:

The Sorenson Legacy Foundation was created to improve the lives of others and the world in which we live. Founded by the late biotechnology pioneer and entrepreneur James LeVoy Sorenson and his wife, education philanthropist Beverley Taylor Sorenson, the foundation provides support for a wide range of endeavors, from community development and education to health care, scientific and artistic pursuits.”

We are grateful to the Sorenson Legacy Foundation for the tremendous work they do and for their gracious donation, which among other things, will enable funding for The Family History Guide at RootsTech London, 2019.

Bob Taylor