Tag: Apps

Where Did You Get Your Good Looks? Try out “Compare-A-Face” for Fun!

Have you ever wondered where you got your good looks? Now you can know through a newly released FamilySearch discovery adventure called “Compare-a-Face.” It uses your picture, the portraits of your ancestors on FamilySearch.org, and facial recognition software to tell you how much you look like your ancestors. Try it out by clicking this link (or put it in your browser):...

Making Family History Come Alive – Give the Free Kinmapper App a Try

Google “where did my ancestors live” and there will be about 3,920,000 results (in 0.51 seconds no less!) with suggestions from where to find records to how to interpret plot maps. Can we say that this amount of information can be a tad overwhelming? The Family History Guide lists a link on the Youth Activities Page to a lesson plan produced by the National...

Capture and Share the Moment with the Fun, Free, Family History-focused “Marco Polo” App

Avery Hartmans, a tech reporter for The Business Insider, writes, “If you’ve ever wanted to recapture the magic of playing with walkie-talkies as a kid, there’s an app designed to do just that — 2017-style.” She is describing  the app Marco Polo, created by Joya Communications whose website states that its mission is “to help people feel close no matter the distance, enabling people to...