Tag: photos

PhotoDater™ from MyHeritage: Another Amazing Technological Advance

Note: This article was published previously on the Genealogy’s Star blog site. You can read about all the details of this amazing addition to the MyHeritage.com arsenal of photographic innovations in this blog post: “Introducing PhotoDater™, an Exclusive, Free New Feature to Estimate When Old Photos Were Taken.” Here is a quote from the blog post: If you are like most genealogists,...

RootsTech Recap – Thank You from The Family History Guide Association

RootsTech is now a memory, but what an incredible one! Thank you to all who came to our booth to learn about the Family History Guide and to all who attended mini-classes, played our game show, scanned the T-shirts, signed up to be regional trainers for The Family History Guide, and to all those (over 800) who attended our Friday presentation....

Activity Ideas for Collecting and Sharing Family Photos (including MyHeritage Slideshows)

Looking for a fun family history centered activity for the holidays? Gathering, identifying,  labeling, and sharing photos from the past (along with the stories behind them) can be an exciting, unifying experience that can connect your family in remarkable ways.  For example, if you have photos in your MyHeritage gallery, consider sharing them in slideshows. This is a great way...