Tag: Stories

Making Family History Come Alive – Give the Free Kinmapper App a Try

Google “where did my ancestors live” and there will be about 3,920,000 results (in 0.51 seconds no less!) with suggestions from where to find records to how to interpret plot maps. Can we say that this amount of information can be a tad overwhelming? The Family History Guide lists a link on the Youth Activities Page to a lesson plan produced by the National...

Ideas and Help for Using Social Media – “The New Language of Family History”

Social media has been referred to as “the new language of family history,” and The Family History Guide is here to help anyone learn to speak it! In addition to suggestions found in Social Media Activities for Youth, Families, and Individuals, more tools for learning and using social media for family history are listed in Project 7, Goal 3 (FamilySearch) or Project 6 Goal 3 for Ancestry,...

Writing a Life Sketch with Help from The Family History Guide

Family history writing activities are a way to get to know those who have gone before, discover and record details about their lives, and to learn from and be inspired by their experiences. Family history writing activities are also a way to connect with living family members, document your personal family history, and make fun memories as you put pen...