The Candy Store
Recently, several of our long-time users remarked that visiting The Family History Guide was like being a kid in a candy store. Now that’s a delicious comparison! While each person may have his or her preferred sweet treat, let’s take a look at 10 features of The Family History Guide that could qualify as “candy store” items for genealogists …
- QUIKLinks – These links are included in country and state pages, right where you need them. They take you directly to collections with 50K+ records each, from FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast.
- The Vault – Looking for a deep dive into just about any area of family history? Check out the Vault, a collection of over 2,000 additional articles and videos that are arranged by category for easy lookup.
- U.S. County Resources – For each county in the United States—and there are many of them—we include links to as many as six helpful websites for county research: FamilySearch, Ancestry, Linkpendium, Genealogy Inc, US GenWeb, and Genealogy Trails.
- The Search Bar – It’s the blue magnifying glass you’ll see near the top of each page, and it helps you find practically anything you need in The Family History Guide, quickly and easily.
- Country Pages – There are over 60 major country pages in All Countries, with an additional collection of over 140 “smaller” countries (those with fewer genealogical resources). You’ll find links to articles, videos, and databases to help you in your genealogy journey.
- Knowledgebases – In the Research Knowledgebase you can grab tidbits of information about a wide variety of general and U,S. research topics, arranged by category with links to source articles. The Countries Knowledgebase is a great way to get introduced to new countries where you’d like to do research.
- Family History Activities – Put the fun in family history with over 200 cool activities for families, individuals, youth, and kids.
- YouTube Channel – Check out hundreds of helpful videos produced by The Family History Guide Association, including activities, inspirational, research, and more.
- Class Outlines – These handy training tools help you teach family history classes right from The Family History Guide, without building slide decks and handouts. Currently there are about 225 Class Outlines, with more to come.
- Online Tracker – This is a secure online database that lets you track your learning progress in any aspect of The Family History Guide.
We wish you sweet success as you explore the features of The Family History Guide!