The Family History Guide and Missionary Work
There is no question what gift my husband, Scott, and I will be giving missionaries for Christmas this year. We love to give gifts that not only “keep on giving,” but gifts that can make a significant difference in someone’s life. These gifts are priceless many are absolutely free! For a missionary (or anyone preparing for a mission), receiving a meaningful personal gift that can also bless others in the mission field is a treasured gift – not only for Christmas but anytime! The gift of The Family History Guide is such a gift and is precisely the gift we will be sharing with missionaries all over the world – wherever and however we have the capacity to share it. What a blessing that this gift can be given simply by sharing the address:!
In an address to new mission presidents entitled Missionary, Family History, and Temple Work (Ensign October 2014) Elder Bednar stated:
“The time has come for us to capitalize more effectively on the potent combination of the mighty change of heart, made possible primarily by the spiritual power of the Book of Mormon, and the turning of hearts to the fathers, accomplished through the spirit of Elijah.”
He promised that a yearning for connection to our past can:
- Prepare an individual to receive the virtue of the word of God
- Fortify his or her faith.
- A heart turning to the fathers uniquely helps an individual withstand the influence of the adversary
- Strengthen conversion.
Each of these promises describes a missionary’s hopes and prayers for those he or she teaches. Elder Bednar explains that “The artificial boundary line we so often place between missionary work and temple and family history work is being erased; this is one great work of salvation.”
This is exactly why The Family History Guide is the perfect gift for both “member missionaries” and those who are set-apart missionaries – it helps erase the artificial boundary by making temple and family history work more accessible, easier, more efficient, and more enjoyable for all. Of course, its use is always guided by a mission president who is presiding over full-time missionaries. This incredible resource can make all the difference in learning to use FamilySearch (and other family history sites), and in helping others – a complete, easy to use training guide for everyone! A missionary having The Family History Guide at his or her fingertips is able to learn enough about the basics of doing temple and family history work to feel confident enough help investigators know where to begin their journey in learning about family history work, and eventually knowing about doing temple work. In a presentation by
President and Sister Nelson entitled Open the Heavens Through Temple and Family History Work (RootsTech 2017 Family History Conference), President Nelson counseled, “If I were a missionary today, my two best friends in the ward or branch where I served would be the ward mission leader and the ward temple and family history consultant. People have an inborn desire to know something about their ancestors. That becomes a natural opportunity for our missionaries. As missionaries learn to love the people they teach, they will naturally ask about their families. ‘Are your parents living? Are your grandparents living? Do you know your four grandparents?’ Conversations flow easily when those who are drawn to speak with the missionaries are invited to talk about the people they love.
Then the missionaries can make this suggestion: ‘I have a friend at our church who can help. If we could find the names of some or maybe even all of your great-grandparents, would it be worth a couple of hours of your time to find out who your great-grandparents are?’ That friend at church, of course, is the ward temple and family history consultant.”
In considering this counsel from President Nelson, we will say that The Family History Guide is not only the perfect gift for a missionary, but also for temple and family history consultants who may need guidance, a boost in confidence, and/or more detailed information so that they can best be of service to investigators (and anyone else needing assistance). In addition, in cases around the world where there may not be a consultant available to help an investigator, members can be of help using The Family History Guide as a tool.
As Christmas approaches, remember that you have a free gift to give that is worth giving – The Family History Guide! But also remember that it is a wonderful gift anytime – an invaluable gift that keeps on giving!
Excellent article – the connection between missionary work and family history is so vital, and you have explained it so well!