1: Navigate Your Tree   2: Edit Person Information   3: Add or Remove People                         Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: Findmypast Tree

Goal 1: Navigate Your Findmypast Tree

Goal 1: Navigate your Findmypast tree.Vault

Navigating your Findmypast Tree is essential to finding ancestors, viewing and updating their information, and producing charts and reports.


A Use the Family View to see your family tree.


The default view for Findmypast trees is the Family View, which displays tiles with spouses and children, arranged horizontally. You can click any person link to open the Profile for that person.

  1. In the top menu, click Family tree and select View all trees; then choose your tree from the list.
  2. To zoom the view, click the plus or minus icons (upper right), or use the scroll button on the mouse. To move the view around, click and drag on the screen.
  3. To extend a family line into the past, click an up arrow above a person's name at the top. To see more recent descendants, click a down arrow below a person's name.
  4. To select a different person as the focus person,
    a) Click the person's name in the tree view; and
    b) Click Family view. Or, you can click a tree icon (if available) at the right of a person's name.
  5. To return to the Home person (first person entered in the tree), click the House icon (top).
  6. To search for a person in your tree,
    a) Click the magnifying glass icon;
    b) Type the name in the search field, and
    c) Select it from the drop-down list.
  7. To print a pedigree chart, click the Print icon (upper right) and complete the Print dialog.

  1. For more information on using your Findmypast tree, watch the video or read the article.

    FMP—How to Use your Findmypast Tree—31:29 - 2016

    FMP—A visual guide to every icon - 2017


B Use the Pedigree and Family Group views.

  1. Near the top, click the Pedigree icon.
  2. To extend the view for a family line, click the right arrow at the end of the line (if available).
  3. To search for a person in your tree,
    a) Click the magnifying glass icon;
    b) Type the name in the search field, and
    c) Select it from the drop-down list.
  4. To print a pedigree chart, click the Print icon (upper right) and complete the Print dialog.
  5. To place a different person in the starting position of the tree view,
    a) Click the person's name in the tree view; and
    b) Click Their tree (bottom panel of the Summary window).

Family Group View

  1. Click the View button (next to the Tree name) and select Family Group.
  2. To see summary information for a person on the screen, click the name. You can click Their tree to set that person as the focus person in the Family Group view. Then click the X to exit the Summary view.
  3. To return to the Home person, click the down-arrow inside the Current Person button (to the right of the Family Group button) and select the name in the list. Note : The Family Group view does not allow for extending family lines to view.
  4. To print the current Family Group view, click the Print icon (upper right) and complete the dialog.


C View details for people in your tree.

  1. Click a name in your tree to open a Summary window with birth, marriage, and death details. Note : This window appears differently on Family View vs. Pedigree View, but the basic information is the same.
  2. In the Summary window (Family View), click View full profile; in the Pedigree view, click Profile. The Overview tab appears. The Timeline section on the left displays events, and the Relations section on the right displays parents, spouses, children, and siblings. In the Relations section, you can open person links to see Summary windows and Profile pages, or open and close parts of the section as needed.
  3. To see how the person in the current profile is related to someone else in your tree,
    a) Click the Kinship calculator button;
    b) Type the name of the other person in the Search bar and select it from the drop-down list; and
    c) Click Calculate.
  4. To see a more complete version of the Relations page, click the Relations tab (near the top left).
  5. To see additional details for the person, click the Facts and Eventstab.
  6. To return to the tree view, click the Profile button and select the view type.

  1. For more information on building profiles in Findmypast, watch this video.

    FMP—Getting Started with Family tree Profiles—1:30 - 2015


D See and manage a list of all people in your tree.

  1. In the Family view, click the magnifying glass icon and select View all people on this tree. In other views, click the view button (upper left) and select People.
  2. To set the number of names displayed per page, click Results per page (lower right) and select 20 (default), 50, 100, 500, or 1000.
  3. To scroll to another page,
    a) Click the page number at the bottom of the screen; or
    b) Click a left or right arrow at the bottom to scroll by one page, or
    c) Click a double-arrow icon at the bottom to go to the first or last page of names.
  4. To sort the names, click any of the following categories. Clicking the same category a second time reverses the sort order.
    • First names
    • Last name
    • Birth date
    • Birth place
    • Death date
    • Death place
    • Hints
  5. To filter (limit) the list, type an entry in "Filter by First names", "Filter by Last names", or "Filter by Place". To cancel the filter, click "Reset filters" or delete the filter text you typed.
  6. To view the tree for a person in the list, click the corresponding View button and select the view type from the list.
  7. To add a person to the tree,
    a) Click Add person;
    b) Fill in the fields; and
    c) Click Save changes.
    Note : This does not connect the new person in the tree; it simply adds the person in the list of people. You can select the new person and add parents in the tree.