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Translation Tips

Here are some tips for using Google Translate with The Family History Guide.

Select Language

You can use the Select Language button to translate The Family History Guide into other languages. You can find the Select Language buttoin in the top area of any screen in The Family History Guide. (Occasionally the "Select Language" title is replaced with the "G" Google logo, but it's the same tool.)

To return to the original language, click the "X" in the right side of the Google Translate bar that appears at the top of the page. Note: If you use the back or forward buttons on your browser, you may need to refresh the screen to get the correct translation displaying again.

Working with Untranslated Pages

When you link from The Family History Guide to another site, that site may or may not have Google Translate enabled. If it does, you can usually click a button or link on the page to translate to your preferred language. Otherwise, you can use a manual process like the following example for ther Google Chrome browser:

Note: Text that is embedded in graphics will not be translated this way. See below for another method to use.

Translating Text in Images

You can use the Google Lens tool to translate text that is embedded in images, such as with foreign-language records.

  • Take a screenshot of the image that has the text.
  • Open Google Translate (
  • Click the Images icon (upper right). This opens a Google Lens dialog.
  • Drag your screenshot file into the image area on the screen, or use the link for "upload a file" or "Paste image link".
  • Click the Translate button at the bottom to display the English text on the right.

  • For an example of using Google Lens, see the Practice Exercise in Goal 3 of the Japan country page.

    More Help

    For additional help with translation issues, see Choice C in the International page.