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African American

Goal 3: Library and Other Resources

Goal 3: Explore library and other resources for African American research.


ALearn about resources in various libraries and archives.

  1. NEHGS: Watch this video for resources at the NEHGS (New England Historical Genealogical Society).

    AA—African American Resources at NEHGS - 2015

  2. Lincoln Library: Watch this video for resources at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library.

    FS—Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library—22:40

  3. LOC: Watch this video for resources at the Library of Congress.

    FS—Library of Congress—29:18

  4. NARA: Study the Black Family Research paper from NARA (National Archives).

    Black Family Research, Post-Civil War - 2010

  5. Archives.gov: Learn about a variety of African American research resources in a special edition of Prologue magazine online.

    AR—Prologue Magazine, Special Edition - 1997

BLearn about other resources for research.

  1. Migration: Follow the Great Migration of African Americans from the southern U.S. northward.

    RT—Part 6: The Great Northward Migration 1915-70: Summary of the Main Record Sources—15:26 - 2023

  2. Learn about the African American migration experience.
  3. Western U.S.: Learn about African American history in the western U.S.

    FS—African American History in the Trans Mississippi West—35:18

  4. Resources: Explore the African American Lives website for interviews and resources.
  5. Explore Christine's Genealogy Website for a variety of resources.
  6. Learn how to use U.S. government documents in African American research.

    FL: Researching African American Ancestors in Government Documents Part 2 : Land and Military Records - 2020
    FL: Researching African American Ancestors in Government Documents Part 3: WPA Projects and Slave Narratives - 2020

  7. Here are five resources for African American genealogy.

    AR: Hiding in Plain Sight; 5 Sources for African-American Genealogy - 2013

  8. Learn about additional resources.

    LT: 7 Resources for African American Genealogy Research
    RT—State and County Courts—60:30 - 2023
