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Course Catalog

Teach full-length or mini-classes, or develop your own custom courses.


Welcome to the Course Catalog for The Family History Guide. (Click here for the Instructor Tips page.)

There are full-length classes—60 minutes each—and mini-classes, from 15 to 30 minutes each. For each class, links are provided to the starting Goals. You can also create custom classes by combining two or more mini-classes as needed.



Website Introduction

INT 101: Introduction to The Family History Guide—Demonstrate the features of The Family History Guide website.

Use the Tour button on the Home page to provide a customizable introduction. Decide beforehand which links to open, show, and discuss, to best meet the needs of your audience. Time: about 50-60 min.

Note : Members of the VIP (Volunteer Instructor Program) can customize and use the "What's Inside The Family History Guide" slide deck to guide the Introduction to The Family History Guide presentation. This deck is only for VIP members. Click here to learn more about the VIP.

INT 102: Overview of The Family History Guide (slides)—Discuss the purpose and benefits of The Family History Guide with this brief slide deck: The Family History Guide. This does not show the website but is helpful for a high-level view. Time: about 15-20 min.

INT 103: Training with The Family History Guide—Demonstrate the features of the Trainers section of The Family History Guide. Study this page to prepare for your presentation: Training with The Family History Guide. Time: about 30-40 min.

Beginning Classes

Beginning Family History

BEG 101: Beginning Family History—Get a great start with family history, including the option of learning computer basics. Also learn about family history concepts and how to find and organize your own records.

Goals in this class: Intro to Family History—Introduction section
* Vault:  Family History Basics

BEG 102: Making Memories—Gather your memories, organizing the photos and documents that you will upload. Also learn skills for interviewing living relatives to add their memories to yours.
Note : The Goals listed below are in the FamilySearch Learning Path, but they are identical for Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast.

Goals in this class: 1: Gather Your Records 2: Gather Records from Others 3: Interviewing Relatives
* Vault:  Memories

BEG 102a: Interviewing Tips—Goal 3—20:00

FamilySearch Training

Family Tree Classes—Project 1

FS1.1 Family Tree Navigation—Get comfortable with navigating your part of the FamilySearch Family Tree, including viewing details for your ancestors.

Goals in this class:   1: Navigation;  2: Life Details
* Vault:  FamilySearch Family Tree

FS1.3 Family Tree Views—Explore alternate views in the tree (fan chart, portrait, descendancy), as well quickly finding people in the tree.

Goals in this class:   3: Children and Spouses;  4: Find and Recents;  5: Alternate Views

FS1.6 Changing Family Tree Info—Learn how to update information for ancestors in the tree.

Goals in this class:   6: Changing Information

FS1.7 Adding Ancestors—Learn how to add ancestors into Family Tree.

Goals in this class:   7: Adding Ancestors

FS1.8 Using Sources in Family Tree—Add sources and explore record hints for ancestors in the tree.

Goals in this class:   8: Add sources;  9: Use Record Hints and Attach Sources

FS 103: More Family Tree Topics—Learn more Family Tree skills, including adding sources and notes, and merging individuals.

Goals in this class:   8: Adding Sources; 10: Notes and Discussions;  11: Merging Duplicate Ancestors  

FS 101a: Getting Started with Navigation—Goal 1—15:00
FS 101b: Viewing Ancestors in Landscape View—Goals 2-4—30:00
FS 102a: Alternate Views: Fan, Portrait, Descendancy—Goal 5—20:00
FS 102b: Adding and Changing Information in FS—Goals 6-7—20:00
FS 103a: Sourcing—Goal 8—30:00  
* Vault:  Sources  
FS 103b: Notes and Discussions—Goal 10—15:00
FS 103c: Merging Duplicates—Goal 11—30:00

Memories Classes—Project 2

FS 201: Uploading Memories—Learn how to tag and upload digital photos to FamilySearch so they can be shared with others. Also upload digital documents and stories about ancestors.

Goals in this class:  5: Preparing Photos and Docs for Upload;   6: Adding and Tagging Photos;  7: Adding Documents;  8: Adding Stories

FS 201a: Uploading Photos to Memories—Goals 5-6 - 30:00
FS 201b: Uploading Other Files to Memories—Goals 7-8—20:00
FS 201c: Writing a Life Story—Goal 9—20:00
* Vault:  Photos   Stories  

Descendancy Classes—Project 3

FS 301: Descendancy Research—Learn how to trace descendants of your ancestors from several generations back. Get familiar with useful tools that help you visualize your descendant family lines, as well as finding your relationships to famous figures in history.

Goals in this class:  1: Identifying Descendant Lines;  2: Using Descendancy Sourcing Tools;  3: Using Puzzilla.org;  4: Using Relative Finder
* Vault:  Descendancy

FS 301a: Identifying Descendancy Lines—Goal 1—20:00
FS 301b: Using Puzzilla.org—Goal 3—30:00
FS 301c: Using Relative Finder—Goal 4—15:00

Research Classes—Project 4

FS 401: Use FamilySearch Tools

Goals in this class:   4: Use FamilySearch Tools (Choices A-C); 4: Use FamilySearch Tools (Choices D-G)

FS 401a: FamilySearch Tools, A-C—Goal 4—30:00
FS 401a: FamilySearch Tools, D-G—Goal 4—30:00

See also General Research below.

Indexing Classes—Project 5

FS 501: Indexing—Get started with creating index entries for record batches, to help others research more effectively. Also learn to set indexing goals and continuously improve your indexing skills.

Goals in this class:  1: Learning about Indexing;  2: Getting Started with Indexing;  3: Indexing Batches;  4: Improving Basic Indexing Skills
* Vault:  Indexing   Tips  

FS 501a: Reading Difficult Handwriting—Goal 6—30:00
* Vault:  Handwriting

Help Classes—Project 6

FS 601: Help—Learn how to get help with your family history efforts and how to help others with theirs.

Goals in this class:  1: Get Help;  2: Genealogical Societies;  3: Collaborate;  4: Help Another Person
* Vault:  Help

FS 601a: Publish a Family History—Goal 5—30:00
* Vault:  Sharing

Technology Classes—Project 7

FS 701: Technology—Learn how to use important technology skills in your family history work.

Goals in this class:  1: Webinars;  3: Social Media
* Vault:  Technology   Social Media

FS 701a: Tablets and Smartphones—Goal 2—30:00

FS 601b: Social Media—Goal 3—30:00
FS 701c: Genealogy Software—Goal 4—30:00

DNA Classes—Project 8

FS 801: Genetics and Testing—Get an introduction to the science of genetics and how it forms the basis for DNA research for family history. Also learn how DNA tests are conducted and how you can find a take one yourself.

Goals in this class:  1: Basic Genetics and DNA Research;  2: About DNA Testing;  3: Selecting and Taking a DNA Test
* Vault:  DNA    Testing

FS 802: Matching and Ethnicity—Learn about finding others who have taken DNA tests and may be close matches to your ancestry. Discover your ethnic percentages revealed from your DNA testing.

Goals in this class:  4: DNA Matching;   5: DNA Ethnicity Results

Ancestry Training

Getting Started—Project 1

AN 101: Get Started with Ancestry—Learn how to set up an Ancestry account and customize settings for your profile, account, and home page.

Goals in this class:   1: Ancestry Account;   2: Customize Profile and Account Settings;   3: Customizing Your Home Page

Family Tree Classes—Project 2

AN 201: Family Tree Navigation and Editing—Get comfortable with navigating your family tree in Ancestry, including adding persons and viewing and editing their details.

Goals in this class:   1: View Your Part of the Tree;  2: Edit Person Information;   3: Add or Remove People
* Vault:  Ancestry Tree

AN 202: Hints and Sources (45:00)—Learn how to take advantage of Ancestry record hints, as well as adding and viewing source information for records.

Goals in this class:   5: Explore Hints;   6: Add and View Sources

AN 203: Managing Your Tree—Edit relationships of people in your tree, merge duplicate individuals, and save individuals to other trees.

Goals in this class:   4: Edit Relationships;   7: Tree Management

AN 201a: Viewing Your Ancestry Tree—Goal 1—20:00
AN 201b: Editing and Adding People—Goals 2-3—30:00
AN 202a: Using Ancestry Hints—Goal 5—20:00
AN 202b: Adding and Viewing Sources— Goals 6-7—20:00
AN 203a: Merging Duplicates—Goal 8—30:00

Documents and Photos Classes—Project 3

AN 301: Uploading Memories—Learn how to tag and upload digital photos to Ancestry so they can be shared with others. Also upload digital documents and stories about ancestors.

Goals in this class:  4: Creating and Editing Stories;   6: Uploading Photos;  7: Managing Gallery Items

Ancestry Research Classes—Project 4

AN 401: Searching Ancestry Records—Learn how to do basic record searches, using options and locations. Also explore Ancestry record collections in your searches.

Goals in this class:  4: Search Ancestry Records;  5: Search Ancestry Record Collections

AN 402: Handling Search Results—Learn how to gather your search results and leverage them in your research.

Goals in this class:  6: Searching Records;  7: Use Homepage Options


AN 401a: Searching Ancestry RecordsGoal 4—20:00

AN 401b: Searching Ancestry Record CollectionsGoal 5—20:00

AN 401c: Analyzing Search ResultsGoal 6—30:00

Help Classes—Project 5

AN 501: Help—Learn how to get help with your family history efforts and how to help others with theirs.

Goals in this class:  1: Get Help;  2: Message Boards;  3: Member Connect;  4: Genealogical Societies;  5: Collaborate

AN 501a: Publish a Family History—Goal 6—30:00

Technology Classes—Project 6

AN 601: Indexing—Learn how to use important technology skills in your family history work.

Goals in this class:  1: Webinars;  3: Social Media;  4: Technology from Ancestry

AN 601a: Tablets and Smartphones—Goal 2—20:00
AN 601b: Social Media—Goal 3—30:00

Ancestry DNA Classes—Project 7

AN 701: Intro to Genetics and DNA—Get an introduction to the science of genetics and how it forms the basis for DNA research for family history. Also learn how DNA tests are conducted and how you can find a take one yourself.

Goals in this class:  1: Basic Genetics and DNA Research;  2: About DNA Testing;  8: Help with DNA Questions

AN 702: DNA Testing and Results—Take a DNA test and find others who may be close matches to your ancestry. Discover your ethnic percentages revealed from your DNA testing.

Goals in this class:  3: Take a DNA Test;   4: DNA Matching;   5: Ethnicity and Family Relationships
* Vault:  Ancestry DNA

MyHeritage Training

Getting Started with MyHeritage—Project 1

MH 101: Get Started with MyHeritage—Learn how to set up a MyHeritage account and customize settings for your profile, account, and home page.

Goals in this class:   1: Setting Up Your MyHeritage Account and Tree;   2: Customizing Your Account;   3: Editing Your Home Page

Family Tree Classes—Project 2

MH 201: Family Tree Navigation—Get comfortable with navigating your family tree in MyHeritage, including viewing and editing details for people in your tree.

Goals in this class:   1: Navigating your Tree;  2: Viewing Information;  3: Editing Information
* Vault:  MyHeritage Tree

MH 202: Organizing Your Family Tree—Add people in your tree, find people quickly, and see relationships and pedigrees.

Goals in this class:   4: Adding People to Your Tree;  5: Viewing People Lists & Relationships;  6: Using PedigreeMap

MH 201a: MyHeritage Account and Tree—Goal 1—15:00
MH 201b: Customizing Your Tree and Profile—Goals 2-3—20:00
MH 202a: Adding People to Your Tree—Goal 4—15:00
MH 202b: Viewing Lists and Pedigrees—Goals 5-6—20:00

Documents and Photos Classes—Project 3

MH 301: Multimedia—Add photos, create albums and slideshows, and view timelines for ancestors.

Goals in this class:   5: Adding Photos;   6: Creating Albums and Slideshows;   7: Viewing Timelines

MH 301a: Adding Photos—Goal 5—20:00
MH 301b: Albums and Slideshows—Goal 6 - 15:00
MH 301c: Timelines—Goals 6—15:00

MyHeritage Research Classes—Project 4

MH 401: MyHeritage Research Menu—Learn how to use the MyHeritage Research menu to guide you in research tasks.

Goals in this class:   4: MyHeritage Research Menu (Choices A-C); 4: MyHeritage Research Menu (Choices D-F)

MH 401a: Research Menu, A-C—Goal 4—30:00
MH 401a: Research Menu, D-F—Goal 4—30:00

Help Classes—Project 5

MH 501: Help—Learn how to get help with your family history efforts and how to help others with theirs.

Goals in this class:  1: Get Help;  2: Genealogical Societies;  3: Collaborate

MH 501a: Publish a Family History—Goal 4—30:00

Technology Classes—Project 6

MH 601: Indexing—Learn how to use important technology skills in your family history work.

Goals in this class:  1: Webinars;  3: Social Media;  4: Technology from MyHeritage

MH 601a: Tablets and Smartphones—Goal 2—20:00
MH 601b: Social Media—Goal 3—30:00

MyHeritage DNA Classes—Project 7

MH 701: Intro to Genetics and DNA—Get an introduction to the science of genetics and how it forms the basis for DNA research for family history. Also learn how DNA tests are conducted and how you can find a take one yourself.

Goals in this class:  1: Basic Genetics and DNA Research;  2: About DNA Testing;  8: Help with DNA Questions

MH 802: DNA Testing and Results—Take a DNA test and find others who may be close matches to your ancestry. Discover your ethnic percentages revealed from your DNA testing.

Goals in this class:   3: Take a DNA Test;   4: DNA Matching;   5: Ethnicity and Family Relationships

Findmypast Training

Getting Started with Findmypast—Project 1

FMP 101: Get Started with Findmypast—Learn how to set up a Findmypast account and customize settings for your profile and account.

Goals in this class:   1: Setting Up Your MyHeritage Account and Tree;   2: Customizing Your Tree Settings;   3: Customizing Your Account Settings

Family Tree Classes—Project 2

FMP 201: Family Tree Navigation—Get comfortable with navigating your Findmypast family tree, including adding people and editing their information.

Goals in this class:   1: Navigation;  2: Editing / Adding Information;   3: Adding or Removing People
* Vault:  Findmypast Tree

FMP 202: Notes, Hints, and Sources—Learn how to add notes and sources for people, as well as use record hints in Findmypast.

Goals in this class:   4: Adding Notes;   5: Using Hints Information;   6: Adding Sources;

FMP 202a: Adding Findmypast Notes—Goal 1—15:00
FMP 202b: Using Record Hints in Findmypast—Goals 2-4—30:00
FMP 202c: Adding Sources in Findmypast—Goal 5—20:00
FMP 202d: Managing Findmypast Trees—Goal 7—20:00

Findmypast Documents and Photos Class—Project 3

FMP 301: Findmypast Media Items (40:00)—Add, attach, and edit photos and stories for people in your Findmypast tree.

Goals in this class:   5: Adding and Managing Media Items

Findmypast Research Classes—Project 4

FMP 401: Findmypast Search Menus—Search records and record sets on Findmypast.

Goals in this class:  1: Using Findmypast Search Menus

FMP 401a: Searching Findmypast Records— Goal 4 (Choices A-D)—30:00
FMP 401b: Handling Search Results— Goal 4 (Choices E-F)—20:00

Help Classes—Project 5

FMP 501: Help—Get started with creating index entries for record batches, to help others research more effectively. Also learn to set indexing goals and continuously improve your indexing skills.

Goals in this class:  1: Get Help;  2: Genealogical Societies;  3: Collaborate;  4: Help with the Tree

FMP 501a: Publish a Family History—Goal 5—30:00

Technology Classes—Project 6

FMP 601: Indexing—Learn how to use important technology skills in your family history work.

Goals in this class:  1: Webinars;  3: Social Media;  4: Technology from Findmypast

FMP 601a: Tablets and Smartphones—Goal 2—20:00
FMP 601b: Social Media—Goal 3—30:00

General Research

Research Classes—Project 4

RES 401: Starting Your Research—Learn the keys to getting started with your own family history research. This includes organizing your research materials, finding research strategies that work for you, and solving problems so you can extend and improve your research. Note : The Goals listed below are in the FamilySearch Learning Path, but they are identical for Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast.

Goals in this class:   1: Getting Organized for Research;   2: Identifying a Line 3: Forming a Strategy
* Vault:  Research

RES 402: Search Techniques—Learn how to search for records online, including Google searches and search variations.

Goals in this class: Develop Search Skills - FamilySearch or Ancestry or MyHeritage or Findmypast
* Vault:  Searching

RES 403: Solving Research Problems—Overcome misconceptions and record problems, and use effective and creative techniques in doing your research.

Goals in this class:  7: Solve Problems, Choices A-C;  7: Solve Problems, Choices D-F
* Vault:  Solving Problems

RES 401a: Getting Organized for Research—Goal 1—20:00
* Vault:  Organization
RES 401a: Identifying Ancestors to Research—Goal 2—20:00
RES 401b: Forming a Research Strategy—Goal 3—30:00
* Vault:  Strategies
RES 402a: Search Techniques (see any of the Goals listed in RES 402 above)
RES 403a: Getting on the Right Track with Research—Goal 6, Choices A-C—30:00
* Vault:  Next Steps RES 403b: Creative Approaches to Research—Goal 6, Choices D-F—30:00
* Vault:  Brick Walls
RES 403c: Taking a Family History Trip—Goal 8—30:00
* Vault:  Family History Trips

U.S. Research (United States Country page)

Intro to Records—Projects A1-A3

US 101: Records, Geography, and Timelines—Learn about the basic types of U.S. records and how to use location, geography, and timelines as cornerstones of your research efforts. Also learn the basics of conducting state-by-state U.S. research.

Goals in this class:   A1: U.S. Records;   A2: Location and Geography;   A3: U.S. Research by State
* Vault:  Records   Maps  

US 101a: Introduction to U.S. Records—Goal A1—20:00
US 101b: Using Maps and Gazetteers—Goal A2, Choices A-C—30:00
US 101c: City Directories and Timelines—Goal A2, Choices D-E—30:00
* Vault:  City Directories   Timelines  
US 101d: Introduction to State Research—Goal A3—15:00

Vital Records—Projects B1-B6

US 201: U.S. Vital Records—Learn about the various types of vital records (birth, marriage, and death), where to find them, and how to use them for research.

Goals in this class:  B1: Understanding Vital Records;  B2: Exploring Birth Records;  B4: Exploring Marriage Records;  B5: Exploring Death Records and Obituaries
* Vault:  Vital   Marriage   Death   Cemeteries  

US 201a: Introduction to Vital Records—Goal B1—15:00
US 201b: Explore Birth Records—Goal B2—20:00
US 201c: Explore Adoption Records—Goal B3—15:00
US 201d: Explore Marriage Records—Goal B4—20:00
US 201e: Explore Death Records & Obits—Goal B5—30:00
US 201f: Explore Cemetery Records & Tombstones—Goal B6—20:00

Census Records—Projects C1-C2

US 301: U.S. Census Records—Get an introduction to U.S. Census records and how to read them effectively for your research. Also explore census records from 1940 back to 1790 and learn what to expect from the records in each decade.

Goals in this class:  C1: Introduction to Census Records;  C2: Census Records by Decade
* Vault: Census   Next Steps   By Decade  

US 301a: Introduction to Census Records—Goal C1—30:00
US 301b: Explore the U.S. Census by Decades—Goal C2—30:00

Immigration—Projects D1-D3

US 401: Immigrant Ancestors —Learn the skills you need to trace your immigrant ancestors. You'll explore immigration and naturalization records, passenger lists, and more.

Goals in this class:   D1: U.S. Immigration Records;   D2: Naturalization Records and Passenger Lists;   D3: Other Immigration Resources;
* Vault: Immigration   Next Steps   Passenger Lists  

US 401a: Finding Immigrant Ancestors—Goal D1—30:00
US 401b: Naturalization & Passenger Lists—Goal D2—30:00

Military Research—Projects E1-E2

US 501: U.S. Military Records—Find records that help you trace your ancestors in the U.S. military. Explore military records in each major conflict, such as the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and both World Wars.

Goals in this class:   E1: U.S. Military Records;  E2: Military Records by Conflict

US 501a: Introduction to U.S. Military Records—Goal E1—20:00

* Vault:  Military
US 501b: Revolutionary and Civil War Records—Goal E2, Choices A-B—30:00
* Vault:  Revolutionary War   Civil War
US 501c: World War I and II Records—Goal E2, Choices C-D—30:00
* Vault:  World War I   World War II  

Religion, Migration, Land—Projects F1-F5

US 601: Church and Migration Records—Learn about a variety of helpful records for research, including church and religious records, and travel and migration patterns.

Goals in this class:  F1: Church Records;  F2: Property Records;  F3: Court Records;  F4: Newspapers;   F5: Archives and Libraries

US 602: Land, Property, and Court Records—Learn about land and property records, sucha s probate, wills, and deeds, as well as court records.

Goals in this class:  F2: Property Records;  F3: Court Records;

US 603: Newspapers and Archives—Learn how to use newspapers for research, and explore resources in archives and libraries.

Goals in this class: F4: Newspapers;   F5: Archives and Libraries

US 601a: Church and Religious Records—Goal F1, Choices A-B—20:00
* Vault:  Church  
US 601b: Pioneer and Migration Records—Goal F1, Choice C—15:00
US 601c: Land Records—Goal F2, Choice A—15:00
* Vault:  Land  
US 601d: Probate Records and Wills— Goal F2, Choice B—20:00
* Vault:  Wills  
US 601e: Court Records—Goal F3—15:00
* Vault:  Courts  
US 601f: Using Newspapers for Research—Goal F4—20:00
* Vault:  Newspapers  
US 601g: Exploring Archives and Libraries—Goal F5—20:00
* Vault:  Archives / Libraries  

International Research

British Isles Research Classes

INT-BI-ENG1: English Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in England.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;   2: Vital Records ;   3: Civil Registration ;   4: Census ;   13: Search Records 14: Get Help
* Vault:  England Research Resources   Census

INT-BI-ENG2: England Research, Part 2—Continue your research in England.

Goals in this class:   5: Probate and Court Records;   6: Churches and Cemeteries;   7: Emigration ;   8: Archives and Libraries;   12: Websites
* Vault:  England Research   Resources

INT-BI-IRE1: Irish Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Ireland.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;  3: Civil and Vital Records ;   4: Census ;   12: Search Records ;
13: Get Help

INT-BI-IRE2: Irish Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Ireland.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;   5: Churches and Cemeteries ;   6: Emigration ;   8: Land, Property, Probate ;
11: Websites

INT-BI-SCO1: Scottish Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Scotland.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;   3: Civil and Census ;  11: Search Records ;   12: Get Help
* Vault:  Scotland Research

INT-BI-SCO2: Scottish Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Scotland.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;   4: Churches and Cemeteries ;   5: Emigration ;   7: Probate and Wills ; 10: Websites

European Research Classes

INT-EU-NET1: Dutch Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in the Netherlands.

Goals in this class:   1: Learning;   3: Census ;   4: Civil and Vital ;   11: Search Records ;   12: Get Help

INT-EU-NET2: Dutch Research, Part 2—Continue your research in the Netherlands.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;  5: Churches and Cemeteries ;  6: Emigration ;  10: Websites

INT-EU-FRA1: French Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in France.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;   3: Civil Registration ;   10: Search Records ;   11: Get Help
* Vault:  France Research

INT-EU-FRA2: French Research, Part 2—Continue your research in France.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;  4: Cemeteries ;  5: Emigration ;  9: Websites

INT-EU-GER1: German Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Germany.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;  4: Civil Registration ;  10: Search Records ;  11: Get Help
* Vault:  Germany Research

INT-EU-GER2: German Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Germany.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;  3: Churches and Cemeteries ;  5: Emigration ;  9: Websites
* Vault:  Resources

INT-EU-ITA1: Italian Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Italy.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;  3: Civil and Vital ;  10: Search Records ;  11: Get Help
* Vault:  Italy Research

INT-EU-ITA2: Italian Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Germany.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;  4: Churches and Cemeteries ;  5: Emigration ;  9: Websites

Scandinavian Research Classes

INT-SC-DEN1: Danish Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Denmark.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;   2: Census ;   4: Arkivalieronline ;   12: Search Records ;   13: Get Help
* Vault:  Denmark Research

INT-SC-DEN2: Danish Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Denmark.

Goals in this class:   3: Churches and Cemeteries;   5: Emigration ;   7: Archives and Libraries ;   10: Probate Records ;   11: Websites

INT-SC-FIN1: Finnish Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Finland.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;   3: Census ;   9: Search Records ;   10: Get Help

INT-SC-FIN2: Finnish Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Finland.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;   4: Churches and Cemeteries ;   5: Emigration ;   8: Websites

INT-SC-NOR1: Norwegian Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Norway.

Goals in this class:   1: Learning;   3: Census ;   12: Search Records ;   13: Get Help
* Vault:  Norway Research

INT-SC-NOR2:Norwegian Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Norway.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;   4: Churches and Cemeteries ;   5: Emigration ;   11: Websites

INT-SC-SWE1: Swedish Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Sweden.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;  2: Vital Records ;  11: Search Records ;  12: Get Help
* Vault:  Sweden Research

INT-SC-SWE2: Swedish Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Sweden.

Goals in this class:   3: Archives and Libraries;  6: Emigration ;  7: Probate Records ;  10: Websites

Other International Research Classes

INT-PA-AUS1: Australian Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Australia.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;  3: Census ;  10: Search Records ;  11: Get Help

INT-PA-AUS2: Australian Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Australia.

Goals in this class:   2: Archives and Libraries;  4: Cemeteries ;  6: Probate Records ;  9: Websites

INT-NA-CAN1: Canadian Research, Beginning—Get started with your Canada in Canada.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;   2: Vital Records ;   3: Census ;   13: Search Records ;   14: Get Help
* Vault:  Canada Research

INT-NA-CAN2: Canadian Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Canada.

Goals in this class:   4: Churches and Cemeteries;   5: Immigration ;   6: Land and Property ;   11: Archives and Libraries ;   12: Websites

INT-NA-MEX1: Mexican Research, Beginning—Get started with your research in Mexico.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;  2: Civil Registration ;  10: Search Records ;  11: Get Help

* Vault:  Mexico Research  

INT-NA-MEX2: Mexican Research, Part 2—Continue your research in Mexico.

Goals in this class:   3: Archives and Libraries;   4: Churches and Cemeteries ;   5: Immigration ;   9: Websites

Ethnic Research Classes

ETH-AFR: African American Research—Get started with your research.

Goals in this class:   1: Get Started;   2: Library Resources ;   3: Slavery Resources ;   4: Breaking Barriers ;   5: Get Help
* Vault:  African American Research

ETH-HIS: Hispanic Research—Get started with your research.

Goals in this class:   1: Basic Research;   2: More about Research ;   3: Get Help  
* Vault:  Hispanic Research

ETH-JEW: Jewish Research—Get started with your research.

Goals in this class:   1: Research;   2: Libraries and Archives ;   3: JewishGen Site ;   5: Search Records ;   6: Get Help
* Vault:  Jewish Research

ETH-NAT: Native American Research—Get started with your research.

Goals in this class:   1: Get Started;  2: Special Topics ;  3: Search Records ;  4: Get Help
* Vault:  Native American Research  


Collaboration Class

COL 101: Collaborating on Family History—Find out where you can get your family history questions answered, and how to take advantage of online genealogy groups. Also discover ways you can collaborate with others on your research or help others with theirs. Note : The Goals listed below are in the FamilySearch Learning Path, but they are identical for Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast.

Goals in this class:   1: Get help with your Genealogy;   2: Join Facebook Groups and Genealogy Societies;  3: Help Others with their Family Trees


Technology Classes

Genealogy Software—Get introduced to several types of genealogy databases to see what fits your needs. Also learn how to create and upload a sample family tree to get started.

Note : The Goals listed below are in the FamilySearch Learning Path, but they are identical for Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast.

Goals in this class:  4: Choosing Database Software;  5: Creating and Uploading a Family Tree

TEC 101: Social Media—Find an assortment of webinars and podcasts to help you grow in family history skills, and explore social media resources for genealogy, such as YouTube, Google, Facebook, Instagram, and more.

Goals in this class:   1: Podcasts and Webinars;  3: Using Social Media

Computer Skills

Computer Basics

COM 101: PC Basics, Part 1

Goals in this class: Basic PC Concepts   Windows and Navigation   Internet Introduction
* Vault:  Computer Basics  

COM 102: PC Basics, Part 2

Goals in this class: Basic Internet Skills   Managing Your Data   Getting Help  

COM 103: Mac Basics, Part 1

Goals in this class: The Mac   Mac OSX   Basic Mac Applications  

COM 104: Mac Basics, Part 2

Goals in this class: Basic Internet Skills   Managing Your Data   Getting Help  

Application Skills

COM 201: PC App Skills, Part 1

Goals in this class: Word Processing   Spreadsheets  

COM 202: PC App Skills, Part 2

Goals in this class: Presentations   Mail  

COM 203: Mac App Skills, Part 1

Goals in this class: Basic PC Concepts   Windows and Navigation  

COM 204: Mac App Skills, Part 2

Goals in this class: Basic Internet Skills   Managing Data  

COM 205: Google Apps, Part 1

Goals in this class: Gmail   Google Calendar   Google Docs  

COM 206: Google Apps, Part 2

Goals in this class: Google Drive   Google Sheets   Google Slides  

Social Media and Mobile Devices

COM 301: PC Basics, Part 1

Goals in this class: Facebook   Twitter   Instagram  

COM 302: Mobile Devices

Goals in this class: Basic Internet Skills   Managing Your Data